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  1. Scholler

    Solved How do I do this?

    so lets say I have options: dangerousperms: "*", "essentials.*" or "worldedit.*" And I have this check if check [player has permission {@dangerousperms}] -> [{@permcheck} is true]: Is it possible to get which permission does the player have without more IFs ?
  2. Scholler

    how would I do {@text%{number}%}?

    options: text.1: asd how would I do this set {number} to 1 broadcast "{@text.{number}}"
  3. Scholler

    Solved on step(ping) on barrier not working.

    on step on block event isn't working, as you can see from the title. Do I need an add-on for this? Skript version: 2.2dev37, server version: Spigot 1.8.8
  4. Scholler

    replace all ... is not working

    So I'm making a ban system which can have a reason with multiple lines. And I think that in skript you have to do %nl%, not \n, so I tried: set {_reason} to "%arg-2%" set {banreason.%arg-1%} to replace all "\n" with "%nl%" in {_reason} Help please
  5. Scholler

    Solved can't understand on command

    My server is on 1.8.6, I'm using the latest stable version of skript. I also have skRayFall and skUtilities installed in my server. But still, when I reload my command spy script, I have 3 errors. [ERROR] can't understand this condition: '"%{cspy.%player%}%" is "on"' (, line 3: if...
  6. Scholler

    Solved Tooltip not working

    So I am making a script which broadcast "Place your mouse HERE and write the word" every minute. The first to enter the word wins in-game money. But .. it is not working as expected. The code: broadcast "&7[&bChatEvent&7] &aMove your mouse over <tooltip:%{random}%>&chere<reset> &aand write the...
  7. Scholler

    Solved If entity's name tag is..

    So I am an owner of a server (actually my server, lol), and I have a dog(wolf). I don't want players to attack it, so I want to make a script, so when a player hit the dog, it heals it and kicks the player. This is my current code: on damage: if attacker is player: if entity is...
  8. Scholler

    Solved Get the remaining element of list variable?

    So I am working on an event skript, and currently I am creating the script for the tntrun event. It adds every player to a list variable when they join, and when they fall, it removes them from the list-variable. It detects when only 1 player is left (so there is 1 element left in the list...
  9. Scholler

    Solved How to change options?

    Hello, let's say I have an option: options: option1: Something And how can I change it within a command, like this: command /changeoption <Text>: trigger: player is op set "{@option1}" to "Something else" ? I tried with this, but I got an error: optionname can't be...
  10. Scholler

    Solved Can't understand send?

    Hello, I have two lines in the beginning of the script: options: Lang: "English" And another two lines, which are supposed to detect if language is not English or Hungary (They are in 'on load' event): if {@Lang} isn't "Hungary" or "English": send "&cLanguage %{@Lang}% is not in our...
  11. Scholler

    Solved Get a character from text

    Okay so I already made a thread "how to reverse text", I wanted to do the same thing but I found that "reverse arg-1" method.. nevermind. So what if I want to do another strange ,,language''? Let's say {_c} is 6. How to get this character from the msg? So like this: 6th character of arg-1 but...
  12. Scholler

    Solved Reverse string

    Hello, I want to create a command what can reverse text what I write there. So for ex. I type /reverse apple , I ge elppa. I already tried this, this is my script now command /reverse <Text>: trigger: set {_c} to length of arg-1 set {_a} to "%last character of arg-1%"...
  13. Scholler

    Get color from option

    Hello! So let's say I have this code: options: MSGColor: &c And this: send "test" to player Question: How to make the 'test''s color to the color in MSGColor? Sorry for bad English
  14. Scholler

    Make entity follow player

    Hello, how to make an entity to follow(attack) a player? We tried this: set target of last spawned slime to arg-1 but it's not working... How to make the slime follow the player if the distance between player and slime is more than 10 blocks so it can't see the player? sorry for my bad English
  15. Scholler

    Solved Planks

    So I'm doing a shop gui, and I have problems with planks, so I added a command to test what's the material of the player's tool (send material of player's tool), it says WOOD for minecraft:planks But.. format gui slot 4 of player with a wood with name "&ePlanks/Wood" to run player command "/gui...
  16. Scholler


    Hello, I'm trying to do a shop gui. It always ads one more to the loop-value, so format gui slot 0 of player with 1 grass, next is format gui slot 1 of player with 2 grass, etc. But.. How to do this? My code is not working {_a} is 4 because I manually added 4 slots loop 64 - {_a} times...
  17. Scholler

    Solved First letter in message

    Hello, I want to get the first letter of the message. My code now looks like this: on chat: if message starts with "!": if player has permission "yellowchat": set {msg} to message replace all "!" with "" in {msg} cancel event loop all...
  18. Scholler

    Solved Skript-mirror

    Hello, I have a problem with skript-mirror v 0.19.1 Import (and soo much other stuff) not working. For example: on script load: import "java.lang.System" import "java.lang.Runtime" Error: Can't understand this condition/effect: import "java.lang.System" Can't understand this...
  19. Scholler

    Solved Remove from player's balance

    Hello, can someone tell me, why this is not working? remove 10000 from the player's balance It says Can't understand this condition/effect: remove 10000 from the player's balance I have Skellett, SkQuery and TuSKe in my server. Skript version: 2.2-dev37c Server version 1.12.2 Welp, giving money...
  20. Scholler

    Solved Give someone OP?

    I want to do a script like this: give player op So.. gives a player op, well, I think you know what I want. sorry for my bad english