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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. VampTheSkripter

    Separating Islands without new worlds

    Category: Separating islands (for Skyblock) Suggested name: (doesn't matter) What I want: I need something like Skyblock, where islands are created in the same world and separated. Although, I can only use these plugins: I'm not sure if it is possible, but I really want to try it. If...
  2. VampTheSkripter


    Super High Quality adds way more configurable features like MORE colors, more aspects to the skript (For example, a /nick with a book like Hypixel could be 1 Feature of a High-Quality Skript), and stuff like that. It's basically having a sensitivity of 100 and having a sensitivity of 200.
  3. VampTheSkripter


    Okay, I will be working on that.
  4. VampTheSkripter


    It actually is. I do those because those are free, and my advanced ones are WAY better and they aren't free. I would do really good ones on Spigot, but those aren't free and if I wanted to do premium skripts, it would be kinda weird + I would need 100% activity on Spigot for the permission to be...
  5. VampTheSkripter


    I haven't posted much on there. I'm pretty sure UltraRanks is the best one there. I'm making a lot of skripts, but they are for this platform. There are A LOT of good skripts in coming. (Stuff like Custom Core Skyblock, Custom Core HCF, and a lot of custom gamemodes)
  6. VampTheSkripter


    Oh, sorry, forgot to put it in there. Click HERE for my "portfolio".
  7. VampTheSkripter


    Hey! I've had experience with Skript for 2 Years+, and I can make 100% HIGH Quality Skripts for GREAT Deals! And I know some of you guys will be hating on me for posting this here, charging money for these, and this is really simple to do so I shouldn't do this & learn Java. Well, if you do...
  8. VampTheSkripter

    Hiring Looking for a Script Developer (If Spanish is main language better)

    If you're still open, add me on discord: Vamp-Uchiha#6480
  9. VampTheSkripter

    Solved Give a Player a Skull

    Yeah, I know :)
  10. VampTheSkripter

    Solved Give a Player a Skull

    Nope, doesn't work. Never mind! I just copied that wrong. Thanks SO Much!
  11. VampTheSkripter

    Solved Give a Player a Skull

    How about In GUI? Like, here: make gui slot 22 to VampireGamer7's head It says it won't understand this condition/effect. I also tried head of (player) & skull won't work at all. Just head would make a skeleton head. How do I make it a Player's Head?
  12. VampTheSkripter

    Solved Give a Player a Skull

    Can I do this with UUID or like from this command: I want to put this in a GUI though. /give @p skull 1 3 {display:{Name:"Arrow...
  13. VampTheSkripter

    On Damage GUI

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2-dev27 Minecraft Version: 1.8-1.12 Okay, so, I want this skript and it says attacker cant be outside of a damage event! I don't know whats wrong, so please fix this. @ShaneBee Full Code: on damage: if attacker is a player: if victim is a player...
  14. VampTheSkripter

    Solved Give a Player a Skull

    ohh, okay, Thanks!
  15. VampTheSkripter

    Solved Give a Player a Skull

    I need help with this skript I made. I want this code to give the player a skull of a player: give 1 skull of (username) named "&6Golden Head" to the player @ShaneBee Please help since your very experienced!
  16. VampTheSkripter

    Adding Perms to a player?

    Okay, thanks for replying!
  17. VampTheSkripter

    Adding Perms to a player?

    I need help! add "%arg-3%" to arg-2's permission Whenever I do that, an error pops up saying: "Permissions of the 2nd argument can't have anything added to it." And Yes, I do have SkQuery. The same thing goes with removing perms from a player's permission.
  18. VampTheSkripter

    Solved GUI Making

    Thanks! I'll try both of those out, & thanks for replying!
  19. VampTheSkripter

    Titanium Rank/Perm Manager

    Titanium-Perm-Manager 100% CUSTOMIZATION CONFIG! Hello! Ever wanted a good perm / chat / rank manager? Well it's here! This skript is used in my server, and it has... NO ERRORS! Requirements: Skript SkQuery GroupManager I know what your thinking... "That's so easy to make! It literally would...
  20. VampTheSkripter

    Solved GUI Making

    PLEASE HELP! I have Tuske, I searched many docs, and this code doesn't work, can you solve my problem? if arg-1 is not set: open a chest named "&7&lTITANIUM&6&LMC &cServers" to player format slot 0 of player with grass named "&b&lSKYBLOCK AQUA" with lore "|&6%100 CUSTOM...