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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. S

    Solved Simple kitpvp upgrade menu and autokit equip on spawn

    Hi, im looking for some help to create a simple GUI kitpvp menu where you can enable and disable autokit and also upgrade each piece of gear for money. can someone help me? i know how to make the GUI i just dont know how to make things upgradeable and make it so you equip your kit when spawning...
  2. S

    when block broken. make it reappear again and give item?

    please i dont know how to make a script that does that. can someone help me figure something out Thanks
  3. S

    buycraft not working because colered message?

    when someone tries pressing to buy the rank it doesn't work? it says in the chat that they dont have perm to chat colored messages. i want to fix this but not give people access to colored chat messages? command /buy: aliases: /butik, /buycraft, trigger: wait 2 tick open...
  4. S

    cancel on move or while in combat.

    is it possible to make this skript cancel if the player moves or is in combat? command /spawn: trigger: message "&2&l[&2Farmland&2&l]&a&l>> &aDu vil blive teleporteret til spawn om 5 sekunder!" wait 20 tick message "&2&l[&2Farmland&2&l]&a&l>> &aDu vil blive...
  5. S

    Solved enchant menu not working and no errors?

    it says there's no errors but it still doesn't work? plz help command /upgrade [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: open chest with 5 rows named "&2&lEnchant din fiskestang!" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 13 of player with enchanted book...
  6. S

    Solved cant make jail skript work

    so im making this jail script but i cant make it work properly. it says theres 32 errors.. Options: prefix: &4&l[JAIL]> Command /jail [<Offline player>] [<text>]: permission: jail.vagt permission message: {@prefix} &cDU HAR IKKE ADGANG TIL DENNE KOMMANDO! trigger: if...
  7. S

    Solved cant make it work

    command /buff: aliases: /vagtbuff, /vagtb, permission: vagt.buff trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&6Vagt Buffs!" to player format slot 11 of player with 414 named "&3Speed!" with lore "&6Tryk her for at få speed!" to close then run [ make player execute command...