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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Maezukie

    Script Node staff

  2. Maezukie

    Staff Efficiencies

    Requirements: Skript(2.2) SkQuery(not sure what version, either 1.0 or Lime) Features: Terms of service: Do not distribute the skript as your own, developers make it for you to use not steal Only modify the skript if you know what your doing, again dont re-upload even if you have slightly...
  3. Maezukie

    Solved titles

    at 06:00: time is 6 am send players title "&6Morning" with subtitle "&f6:00 am" execute console command "/Period Morning" loop 1 times: execute console command "/time add 1" at 07:20: time is 7:20 am if {day} is not "Saturday" or "Sunday": send players...
  4. Maezukie

    Solved Claimdoor

    how can I make it so that on a command you can claim a door so no one but the claimer can open it but if the claimer logs out the claimers door gets unclaimed?
  5. Maezukie

    Chest refill

    the error I'm getting is command /chest: permission: trigger: loop {chestloc::*}: if loop-value is a chest: clear loop-value's inventory set {_item} to a random number between 3 and 6 loop {_item} times...
  6. Maezukie

    Solved Inventory Saving

    command /Spectator: aliases: spectate trigger: if {Spec::%player%} is not set: set {Spec::%player%} to 1 play sound "" at player set the player's game mode to creative send "{@P} &7Spectator mode &aenabled"...