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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Dominic

    Solved twittersk help

    Good morning, I need help in the code I am developing. What is this: on load: if folder "plugins/TweetRevive" doesn't exists: create folder "plugins/TweetRevive" if file "plugins/TweetRevive/config.yml" doesn't exists: send "&b&lSKYPVP&7: &cconfig.yml not found." to...
  2. Dominic

    chest named?

    hello I need help in the code I'm working on on death: if {test1} is true: if victim is a player: set the block at location of victim to chest set {_dchest} to the victim's location set block west of block at location of victim to chest I would...
  3. Dominic


    I wish that killing the player the attacker is given the variable of {_openchest} and only he can open that chest and the rest of the players can not do it, if they helped me with that I would be eternally grateful :( here is the code: options: TimeBomb-Holo: &6The explosion will be in...