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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. _JustDylan_

    I got unbanned

    I got unbanned
  2. _JustDylan_

    Script Tab Completer API - Small tweaks to skripts expression

    changed expression skripts to scripts because ShaneBee said I'd make more sense
  3. _JustDylan_

    Script Tab Completer API - Now compatible with latest updates* 1-2-2019

    It should be compatible with the latest updates of skript and skript-mirror once again.
  4. _JustDylan_

    Someday I'll get unbanned on the discord, I hope...

    Someday I'll get unbanned on the discord, I hope...
  5. _JustDylan_

    Script Magic Wands - 2.0.0 Final update 1.12.2

    Update log: just some little bugs have been fixed NOTE: not ready for 1.13!
  6. _JustDylan_

    Enchant disabled

    on enchant: set {_item} to event-item wait 1 tick {_item}.removeEnchantment(fire aspect)this should do the trick, this uses skript-mirror
  7. _JustDylan_

    Enchant disabled

    You could check for the inventory the player is clicking and the slot the player has clicked, if the slot is the slot where you put the item in you could try to remove the fireaspect from the event-item in an inventory click event
  8. _JustDylan_

    Problem with variable

    Third of all learn how to use list variables e.g. {ban::%player%}
  9. _JustDylan_

    Solved Loop blocks

    loop blocks between the block at {_loc1} and the block at {_loc2}this should work. Keep in mind that the variables have to contain locations.
  10. _JustDylan_

    Solved How to disable inventory swap?

    you can always use a bukkit event for detecting when a player swaps a tool with their offhand/ on "org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent": cancel event
  11. _JustDylan_

    Script Tab Completer API - 1.1.0 Compacted The Skript

    Update log: - Reworked the script, it should now be a lot more compact.
  12. _JustDylan_

    Addon skript-mirror

    on left click: broadcast "clicked" event.getPlayer().spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR!, TextComponent.fromLegacyText("test")) 20.07 21:36:22 [Server] WARN method #sendMessage called with (ACTION_BAR (ChatMessageType), test (BaseComponent[])) threw a ClassCastException...
  13. _JustDylan_

    Script Tab Completer API - fixed: not working for console

    fixed: not working for console
  14. _JustDylan_

    Script Tab Completer API

    _JustDylan_ submitted a new resource: Tab Completer Handler - this code creates effects and expressions that can be used to create a custom tab completer Read more about this resource...
  15. _JustDylan_

    Script Tab Completer API 1.2.1

    Dependence: skript and skript-mirror Event for tab completion: on TabCompleteEvent: (you will need to import org.bukkit.event.server.TabCompleteEvent) Effects: set completions to %texts% at %text%: example: - set completeions to {completions::*} at tab arg 2 Expressions: tabbed command -...
  16. _JustDylan_

    Solved Can't understand condition/effect

    on damage of a player: if attacker is a player: if {ragemeter:%attacker%} is 1: if {rage:%attacker%} is 1: apply strength 3 to the attacker for 3 seconds set {ragemeter:%attacker%} to 0 wait 5 seconds set...
  17. _JustDylan_

    Solved Can't understand condition/effect

    on damage of a player: if attacker is a player: if {ragemeter:%attacker%} is 1 if {rage:%attacker%} is 1: apply strength 3 to the attacker for 3 seconds set {ragemeter:%attacker%} to 0 wait 5 seconds set...
  18. _JustDylan_

    Make player attack target

    make %living entities% damage %living entities% by %number% you can use this syntax, it requires skQuerry though.
  19. _JustDylan_

    Solved steel from Armorstand ?

    it does
  20. _JustDylan_

    Script Magic Wands

    _JustDylan_ submitted a new resource: Magic Wands - Magic wands, that do cool things! Read more about this resource...