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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. T

    ItemToChat skript fix

    there’s a plugin for it, just use that.
  2. T

    How i can use a command in air

    is that a copy of
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    Solved Lore Help Request

    if you have any current code, could you show it?
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    GUI Give rank (PEX)

    i think it has to be compatible with permissionsex considering it says (PEX) in the title
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    My gui won't work

    you need skript and tuske
  6. T


    according to skripthub it is vanilla skript
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    Disable Brewing Potions

    here you go. if you choose to keep the on brew: event, you need skellett command /brewing [<text>]: permission: brew.admin permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&7Usage: &c/brewing <on|off>"...
  8. T

    Solved delete item

    command /remove1: trigger: if player's tool is air: message "You need something in your hand" else: remove 1 of player's tool from player's inventory here you go
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    XP Withdraw

    im not sure if you still need this, but i made it anyways. here you go
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    Error with Region "Warzone" or Something

    i believe you can do if "%region at player%" contains "Warzone":
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    Solved GUI Cooldown

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    Solved GUI Cooldown i get this error.
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    Solved GUI Cooldown

    so i have a skript with daily rewards, and i want it to update while in the gui, i just have no idea how. i've tried this, but you have to click on it for it to update. on inventory click: if inventory name of player's current inventory is "&4&lREWARDS": if clicked slot is 20...
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    How to sort tablist

    i’ve asked this too. it’s something about groups but i still don’t know how to do it
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    Official Goodbye skUnity - hello BaeFellUnity

    i didn’t even notice lmao
  16. T

    Problem with SkRayfall Scoreboard

    did you add any other addons before it broke?
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    Solved help with scoreboard

  18. T

    Solved help with scoreboard

    hey, so im trying to make a scoreboard with script, but its not working. i added skquery-lime and tuske to my server and updated to skript 2.2, then it stopped working. CODE: on first join: set {kills.%player%} to 0 set {deaths.%player%} to 0 command /score: trigger...