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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. TPGamesNL


    With this script you can listen to, modify and cancel NMS (net.minecraft.server) packets being sent / received. Required addons: skript-reflect (2.1.0+) Be aware that NMS packets aren't nice to deal with, as they're undocumented, obfuscated and inconsistent between Minecraft server...
  2. TPGamesNL


    This addon is a fork of skript-mirror, and comes with a bunch of bug fixes and new features. Some of the important bug fixes and features: Fixed async event listening Fixed local variables issues being deleted after async java calls and after parse sections from custom syntax Added support for...
  3. TPGamesNL

    3.5 skript-reflect: Utilities

    Collect Syntax: [%objects%] [%objects% as %javatype%] Creates an array containing the specified objects. Specifying a type determines the component type of the resulting array. The brackets in this syntax are literal, not representing an optional group. Spread Syntax: ...%object% Returns the...
  4. TPGamesNL

    3.4 skript-reflect: Handling events

    Listening to events You may listen to any Bukkit-based event (including events added by other plugins) by referencing the imported class. For example, if you wanted to listen to org.bukkit.event.entity.EnderDragonChangePhaseEvent: import: org.bukkit.event.entity.EnderDragonChangePhaseEvent on...
  5. TPGamesNL

    3.3 skript-reflect: Running Java code

    Calling methods Syntax: %object%.<method name>(%objects%) Example: event-block.breakNaturally() (last spawned creeper).setPowered(true) player.giveExpLevels({_levels}) Methods may be used as effects, expressions, and conditions. If used as a condition, the condition will pass as long as the...
  6. TPGamesNL

    3.0 skript-reflect: Basics

    This section covers the basics of skript-reflect
  7. TPGamesNL

    3.2 skript-reflect: Importing classes

    Importing classes at parse-time (recommended) In most cases, the exact qualified name of the class you need is known without running the script. If this is the case, you should use skript-mirror's import block. import: <fully qualified name> [as <alias>] # multiple imports may be...
  8. TPGamesNL

    3.1 skript-reflect: Reading Javadocs

    Most public APIs and libraries offer documentation in the form of Javadocs. Javadocs outline what features of a library are publicly accessible to developers. Here are a few links to some commonly referenced Javadocs: Java SE 8 Javadocs Spigot Javadocs Fully qualified names A fully...
  9. TPGamesNL

    2.0 skript-reflect: Getting started

    Installation Download the latest skript-reflect.jar from GitHub Move skript-reflect.jar to your plugins/ folder If you have third-party libraries you would like to use (that are not Bukkit plugins), follow the steps outlined here. Tip: Enable effect commands in Skript's config! Effect...
  10. TPGamesNL

    1.0 skript-reflect: Home

    This fork of skript-mirror aims to fix multiple issues that I believe have been present for too long, and implement some long-wanted features. Documentation: Source code: Downloads: actions (I'll probably...
  11. TPGamesNL

    Craft Manager

    About this script: This script adds support for simple custom recipes to your scripts. How simple is this? All you have to do to make a custom recipe is this (example): on load: # Doesn't have to be in a load event register shaped recipe with (gold ore, gold ore, gold ore, gold ore, coal...
  12. TPGamesNL

    Tab Completer

    About this script: This script is adds support for simple tab completion to your scripts. How simple is this? All you have to do to make your command tab completable is this (example): on load: # Doesn't have to be in a load event add "sk reload tabcompleter" to tab completions Result...
  13. TPGamesNL

    Solved Neuroph DataSetRow contructor not working (skript-mirror)

    Skript Version: 2.2-dev37c Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: Spigot 1.12.2 --- Full Code: import: org.neuroph.core.NeuralNetwork org.neuroph.core.transfer.Step org.neuroph.nnet.Perceptron...
  14. TPGamesNL

    Possible bug when using play_server_chat packet with message effect

    Skript Version: 2.2-dev36 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: Spigot 1.12.2 --- Full Code: on packet event play_server_chat: set {_t} to "chatcomponent" pjson 0 of event-packet send "&ct: %{_t}%" to console command /test: trigger: message "test" Errors on Reload: None...
  15. TPGamesNL

    Solved Spawning non-moving items

    Category: Dropped items Suggested name: Not needed What I want: I want a function (or just the code) that spawns a item entity, without moving the item entity. I tried it myself with a few methods, but when I use the drop effect and after that teleporting it back to the original location...
  16. TPGamesNL

    [CLOSED] I'll make anything

    I don't really have any ideas to do, so if you send me something to make, I'll make it for you. It can be anything, small, big, easy, complicated, whatever you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :emoji_slight_smile: Currently closed, DM me if you really want to have something...
  17. TPGamesNL

    Script Antiswear

    TPGamesNL submitted a new resource: Antiswear - Just a decent antiswear including advanced antiswear, antispam and antiswear on signs. Read more about this resource...
  18. TPGamesNL

    Skript NullPointerException when parsing with syntax

    Skript Version: 2.2-dev35 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: Spigot 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT --- Full Code: command /ptest <text>: trigger: set {_t::*} to arg-1 parsed as "[%number%]x^2[ ][%text%[ ]%number%x][ ][%text%[ ]%number%][ ]=[ ]0" message "%{_t::*}%" Errors on...
  19. TPGamesNL

    Set npc's yaw problems

    Skript Version: 2.2-dev29 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12 --- Full Code: command /npc2: trigger: set {_n} to a npc named "test" and entity type "PLAYER" spawn npc {_n} at location of player loop 50 times: set yaw of {_n} to yaw of player...