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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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    Solved SkStuff Paste schematic no working?

    Minecraft Version:1.8 Full Code: I'm trying to paste a ship which i have saved as a schematic using worldedit, but it doesn't paste? I'm thinking that it maybe could be an incompatibility between two addons. But i can't seem to find anything online... command /spawnship: permission...
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    Solved Check what head player is clicking on

    Full Code: on right click on head: if clicked block is head of Wooomfy: message "Computer" I just can't seem to find a way to check what head the player is clicking on. if the player clicks on a specific head, then the player would execute a command or receive a message. but I...
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    Can i make a "on hold left click"?

    Minecraft Version:1.8 --- I'm trying to make a gun for my server, and I'm wondering if there is a way to check if a player is holding down the left mouse button. Have you tried searching the docs? Yes Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
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    Functions not working

    Minecraft Version:1.8 --- Full Code: function myFunction(p: player): set helmet of {_p} to leather helmet Errors on Reload: myFunction(p: player) is not a text So I got another error that I just can't find a solution to. I've tried to make the p in player capitalized but that doesn't...
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    Solved Add durability to tools in menus

    Minecraft Version:1.8 --- Full Code: command /mmenu: trigger: open chest with 5 rows named "Main menu" to player # Assault class # format slot 0 of player with paper named "Assault" to close if {bc.rifle.%player%} is 0: format slot 9 of...
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    Solved Hitting my self with the "shoot arrow" skript

    Minecraft Version:1.8 --- Full Code: on join: if {bc.rifle.%player%} is not set: set {bc.rifle.%player%} to 0 if {bc.pistol.%player%} is not set: set {bc.pistol.%player%} to 0 command /getweapons: trigger: if {bc.rifle.%player%} is...
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    How to make custom tags to projectiles?

    Minecraft Version:1.8 --- Full Code: on join: if {bc.rifle.%player%} is not set: set {bc.rifle.%player%} to 0 command /getweapons: trigger: if {bc.rifle.%player%} is 0: set {bc.r0.ammo.%player%} to 16 set {bc.r0.leftammo.%player%} to 64...