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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Adrihun

    Solved Why does it only teleport 1 player to me?

    if arg-1 is "all": if player has permission "tag.owner": loop all players: loop-player isn't player teleport loop-player to player send "&9Teleport>...
  2. Adrihun

    Solved Invalid json: Unterminated object at line 1 column 14

    I got an error with, whenever I try to write something in chat, nothing happens, and this is what it gives me in Console. Invalid json: Unterminated object at line 1 column 14 Here is my Script: on chat: player has permission "test.member" cancel event set {_to} to...
  3. Adrihun

    Solved Knocked into the void by player?

    I'm trying to make a script that will make it so if i knock a player into the void, they'll die, and it will say in chat knocked the player into the void. But it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? on damage: if attacker is a player: set {deadFall.%victim%} to true wait 3...
  4. Adrihun

    Solved Max Ram / Free Ram / Using ram? [skUtilities]

    So I went in the docs and searched for "max ram" and it came up with this.... Addon: skUtilities Patterns: (free|total|max) (ram|memory) I tested it and it worked, but they should add "using ram" Is it possible to do it with another addon or something? What should i do..
  5. Adrihun

    Solved Problems with sounds?

    So whenever i go on popular servers like Mineplex, Hypixel etc... I hear sounds like sound "FIZZ", and their sounds play longer than mine. play sound "FIZZ" to player with volume 3 and pitch 2 How is that possible? How can i make my sound play longer like Mineplex? :C
  6. Adrihun

    Removing a player from player count

    I have a vanish script, and i want to make it so if i go in vanish, in server player count, it goes down by 1, so it looks like i actually left the game. I'm using Skript 2.2 dev 25 Spigot 1.8.9 Bungeecord 1.11 Skellett (Latest) SkellettProxy (Latest) I tried searching on the docs for like 30...
  7. Adrihun

    Solved Reloading Skript without kicking people?

    So i made a simple reload script for skript. whenever an admin types in /reloadd, it will do "make console execute command sk reload all". My scripts are big and it takes like 50 seconds to reload them all. Around 20-40 seconds, players get kicked for "Timed Out". Is it possible to reload...
  8. Adrihun

    Solved Having problems with Broadcast script.

    So I'm trying to make it so if i got more than 30 characters, it won't send subtitle to player. Am I doing it right? (Because when i write under 30 characters and press enter, it won't send subtitle? loop all players: set {_ll} to length of arg-1 if...
  9. Adrihun


    Problem: When i shut down my Spigot server (with skellett running on it connected to skellett proxy), it gives me a big error message inside Bungeecord. Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev25) Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 <- Spigot...
  10. Adrihun

    Solved Making an Area with Skript?

    Troubleshooting: Have you tried searching the docs? Yes Have you tried searching the forums? Yes Problem I'm trying to make an area in my server that is a "dungeon", when players go in that area, they get slowness for 10 seconds, and blindness for 3 seconds. I don't know how to do it though...
  11. Adrihun

    Helps a lot of people gg!4!!!

    Helps a lot of people gg!4!!!
  12. Adrihun

    Solved Hm.... Chances not working with Json?

    So Here is my prefix script Why aren't chances not working? When i write a message in chat, and click my name, it will always suggest "/tell" on chat: player has permission "owner.user" cancel event set {_to} to "%player%" chance of 50%: set {_msg} to "test...
  13. Adrihun

    tab completers giving errors in console

    So My tab completer script works, but it gives error in console (when starting server) [21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned before the command is defined. (, line 6: on tab completer for "/h":') [21:10:48 ERROR]: [Skript] A tab completer cannot be assigned...
  14. Adrihun

    [Solved]Changing closed server message?

    So when i press "X" on my server (console) it closes and this is what my players get: How do i change this message to english? Also, sometimes when server doesnt respond players get kicked for "Timed Out" is it possible to change this?
  15. Adrihun

    Solved Need help with hiding player when joining.

    So I have this Vanish Script, and it works, but whenever i quit & join back, I can be seen again and my Actionbar is gone. The way i know i'm still vanished, is if i type in /Vanish, it will say not vanished anymore. So how do I make it so If i join, and i'm in vanish mode, i'm hidden again...
  16. Adrihun

    Solved How to cancel death message?

    I got a simple script. I also have a vanish script (see my older posts), How do i make it so if i die, and I'm vanished, the death message won't appear in chat? -> If you're going to help, just change the variable to "test" on death of player: if attacker is a player: if attacker...
  17. Adrihun

    Solved Is it true that in 1.8+ you have to use %player's uuid% not %player% in variables?

    Because if the player changes their name they will lose these variabless is it true?
  18. Adrihun

    Solved Need help with player vanishing!

    So i tested this script with both of my accounts. And it works, but whenever the default group player quits, and joins back in, the admin's vanish mode turns off.. How can I fix this? I think it is caused by the 'on quit:' part, but I want to make it so it only turns off the vanish mode if the...
  19. Adrihun

    Blocking JSON suggest command for %player%?

    Okay, So i have a JSON script. How do I make it so if i'm the guy who wrote %message%, I Can't click on my name so it doesn't suggest "/msg %player% for me? on chat: player has permission "owner.user" cancel event set {_to} to "%player%" set {_msg} to "test ||ttp:description...