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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. ayoungcoder

    Addon skript-json

    My idea was to have files that users are able to edit by hand but that can also be read from skript. Does skript have a way to turn that location into a string?
  2. ayoungcoder

    Addon skript-json

    ``` set {_json::mapdata::bluespawn1} to sharpsk worldguard point 1 of region "hut%loop-value-1%blue" in world "%{}'s world%" set {_jsonastext} to "%the serialized json form of {_json::*}%" set file contents of "json/%loop-value%.json" to "%{_jsonastext}%" ``` How do i make...
  3. ayoungcoder

    Addon skript-db

    im getting > [19:12:41 WARN]: [com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase] HikariPool-1 - Failed to validate connection com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection@1f5d6436 (No operations allowed after connection closed.) spammed in my console around every 5 minutes. Seems to be harmless but it does spam my logs...
  4. ayoungcoder

    Addon skript-db

    set {sql} to the database "mysql://[password that works with mysql from the commandline]&useSSL=false" Any idea why this doesn't work with my mariadb instance? it worked on my old server which used default mysql but this doesnt while mariadb is supposed...
  5. ayoungcoder


  6. ayoungcoder

    Addon skript-db

    Could you make a addon for redis just like this one that allowed you to execute redis command from skript? eg: execute "set i 1" in {redis}
  7. ayoungcoder

    Addon MundoSK

    how do i edit a mundosk chat packet? you can get it with on packet event play_server_chat: set {_jsonmessage} to "%""chatcomponent"" pjson 0 of event-packet%" but is it possible to like replace all [this]'s in the message with [that]
  8. ayoungcoder

    Addon Ersatz

    is %player% in the placeholder request the viewer or the relational person its parsed for? if its the viewer, can you add support for this but also for the relational person if it is called with a relational person? (like player views message from tablist and wants to see the color of that...
  9. ayoungcoder

    skript 4 LIFE!!!

    skript 4 LIFE!!!
  10. ayoungcoder

    check ur discord :)

    check ur discord :)
  11. ayoungcoder

    Addon Conquer

    your addon is interferring with type of block, set {_bl} to type of block below event-block returns wilderness instead of grass. Is there a workaround and/or can you fix this?
  12. ayoungcoder

    Mysql Coins

    try its awesome edit: nl ftw
  13. ayoungcoder

    Addon skript-db

    t hanks
  14. ayoungcoder

    Addon skript-db

    im trying to get the value of the field tokens but if i do execute "SELECT Tokens FROM Users WHERE Name='l'" in {sql} and store the result in {output::*} broadcast "SELECT Tokens FROM Users WHERE Name='l'" loop {output::*}: broadcast loop-value...
  15. ayoungcoder

    Solved turret script help

    thanks man, this was really badly documented :)
  16. ayoungcoder

    Solved turret script help

    im trying to make a turret but i cant make a fireball/arrow shoot from one location to another shoot a fireball from {loct} with speed 5 to player is what i tried, but it fails on the to player part, i also was not able to use things like at player. chislep told me to to do something with...
  17. ayoungcoder

    pika pika :) very active in the discord

    pika pika :) very active in the discord