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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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    Solved adding player into list variable doesnt works

    Sorry for this post.. I'm just an idiot.. :D
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    Solved adding player into list variable doesnt works

    This variable: {players::*}
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    Solved adding player into list variable doesnt works

    Hello, i have problem with adding player into list variable, then i need this variable call in stop command for my minigame. Does anyone know how to fix it please? if arg-1 is "join": if arg-2 is set: if {arena.%arg 2%} exist: if...
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    How can i send message to player joined a world

    Idk if you still want it, but. on world change: if player's world is "flat": #Change world name send "You joined &eFlat &fworld" if player's world is "ww": #Change world name send "you joined &eWW &fworld"
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    cancel event not working

    What error you have ? I't works for me. on chat: if name of player's tool contains "&a&l닉네임 설정권": cancel event set {chat} to message message "&4&l[ ! ] &f&l이름을 '%message%' 로 설정 하시겠습니까? <ttp:확정 합니다><cmd:/z>&2&l[ 확정 ]<reset><ttp:취소 합니다><cmd:/x> &4&l[ 취소 ]"
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    if attacker is player not working

    on damage: if attacker is a player: send "test" to attacker You forgot on "a" between is and player.
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    Murder skript - Role select

    Hello, i'm working on murder mystery skript, i have everything done, but i have 1 problem.. I don't know, how to code role selecting (Murder, Detective, Innocent). I tried some, but it doesn't works. Screen from game: It gives all roles at arena start. Thank's for any answer/help. ;) Start...
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    Arena regeneration

    Hello guys, i coding EggWars minigame, but i have a little problem, i don't know how to code arena regeneration. Is there anyone who can help me? Thank's for the answers. ;)
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    Solved Refreshing lore of item on event On break:

    Hello, is there anyone who can me help with Lore refreshing of item on event on break: ? My problem is: I want to refresh lore every, if player break a block, bcs i have integer variables in that lore. On skript reload is anything OK, but it doesn't work. Server version: 1.18.1 Addons: Using...
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    How to check player's biome

    Hi i want a little help. Is there a way to check player's location biome ? i want it for temperature system. thx for any answer. :emoji_wink:
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    Island protect

    Hello there, I need a little help with my one block skript. I need island protect code. Idk how to code it. There is a create command to implement variables for island protect. if arg-1 is "create": if {ob.%player%} is false: if {obhome.%player%} is not...
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    Create file?

    Hi, try this, but you need Skent addon. on load: set {running.%script%} to true wait 2 seconds if directory "plugins/AvantysBanSystem" is missing: create directory "plugins/AvantysBanSystem" if directory "plugins/AvantysBanSystem/bany" is missing: create...
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    3 deaths = 15 minutes ban

    Hi, try this. It works for me. ;) variables: {kill.counter.%player%} = 0 {ban.%player%} = false on death: add 1 to {kill.counter.%player%} send "&7You died &e%{kill.counter.%player%}% &7times!" to player if {kill.counter.%player%} is bigger than 2: if...
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    Solved Skript minigame need code for arena start

    Nice, thx. ;) Jop, to bych asi příště mohl no.
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    Solved Skript minigame need code for arena start

    Hi SkUnity Users, I need help with arena start code. I'm currently coding a dragons minigame, everything works, but i don't know how to write command for arena start with full arena slots or automatically start. Server version: 1.16.1 if arg-1 is "join": if arg-2 is set...