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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. Avaplays

    Thanks for your reply on my review!

    Thanks for your reply on my review!
  2. Avaplays

    Script Auctionhouse2 Skript [1.16.5] - Snapshot/Preview

  3. Avaplays

    I'll wash you cuz i'm Senpai-Sama

    I'll wash you cuz i'm Senpai-Sama
  4. Avaplays

    Script Auctionhouse2 Skript [1.16.5] - Rewritten with better GUI

    + Rewritten + Better GUI + Fixes
  5. Avaplays

    Script Auctionhouse2 Skript [1.16.5] - Removed something

    Removed something
  6. Avaplays

    Script Auctionhouse2 Skript [1.16.5] - Little Update (Fixes + Feature)

  7. Avaplays

    Script Auctionhouse2 Skript [1.16.5] - 1.16.5 Update

  8. Avaplays

    Addon Skellett - The beast addon!

    Please add %brewer% to on brew:
  9. Avaplays

    Pages in GUI

    With the size of the list. should be {home::%player%::*}
  10. Avaplays

    Pages in GUI

    Hello there, i'm scripting a home plugin and i wan't a gui with pages. I forgot how to script it. Anybody? command home [<text>]: trigger: if argument 1 is set: send "{@prefix} §7Du wirst in §b3 §7Sekunden teleportiert." send "{@prefix} §7Teleportation wird...
  11. Avaplays

    Addon MundoSK

    Use NametagEdit.
  12. Avaplays

    Addon MundoSK

    Please add "&r" after a bold name tag :) "&c&lRED&r"
  13. Avaplays

    Interactive Kinetic Intelligence 1.0

    A virtual kinetic intelligence armor stand; Version: 1.0 Walk No walk trough blocks Can go up- downstair every 10 ticks: loop all armor stands: if loop-entity's name contains "IKI": set {IKI::ID::%loop-entity's name%} to "%loop-entity's name%" replace all...
  14. Avaplays

    SkStuff 1.9

    When i load SkStuff on my 1.9 Server, the tablist, scoreboard, action bar, title and motd are disappeared... When i delete it from the Server, they are back again. Is there anyone can rewrite SkStuff to NBT only? Maybe it's due to WorldGuard?
  15. Avaplays

    MundoSK, Array Tablist Icon

    There aren‘t errors.
  16. Avaplays

    Addon MundoSK

    No errors, but the icon is still the same; white...
  17. Avaplays

    Addon MundoSK

    set icon of tab loop-number-1, loop-number-2 for player to mhf_exclamation I tryed with {_p} parsed as offline player and with ""-Marks, but nothing works :x
  18. Avaplays

    MundoSK, Array Tablist Icon

    I tryed all of thoose, but no one works: set icon of tab loop-number-1, loop-number-2 for player to mhf_exclamation set icon of tab loop-number-1, loop-number-2 for player to "mhf_exclamation" set {_p} to "mhf_exclamation" parsed as offline player set icon of tab loop-number-1, loop-number-2...
  19. Avaplays

    Sorting in 1.9

    1. Player01 - 7 Kills 2. Player02 - 5 Kills