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  1. E

    Particle error (skDragon)

    i want to make a particle line from player to target block but an error appears. drawLine particle1 "redstone", RGB 0, 0, 255, particle2 "redstone", RGB2 0, 0, 255, center player, target target block, id "%player%", rainbowMode true, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag count 0, height 0...
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    Particle color and amount (skDragon)

    hi. i want to change the color (blue) and the amount of the particles in skDragon. drawLine particle smokelarge, XYZ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, center player, target location of target living entity, id "%random number between 0 and 100000%", rainbowMode true, solid false, density 2, length 0, zigZag...
  3. E

    Particles around arrow

    hey, I tried to make arrows with particles on a 1.8.8 server but it doesn't work. There are no erros but nothing happens, when i shoot an arrow! on shoot: projectile is arrow: while ground state of projectile is false: play heart at projectile wait 1 tick...
  4. E

    How to make dogs sitting/standing with a command?

    hello, i want to loop all dogs with a specific name and make them sitting/standing. i really don't know how to explain it command /dog: loop entities: if name of loop-entity is "&aDog": if loop-entity is sitting: make loop-entity standing...
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    why is this an error?

    hey. yes, i know the title is not very smart... xd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i have a little error, and i don't know what is false... on any movement: if {fix4} is true: if inventory is open: kick the...
  6. E

    Inventory Move Fix

    hmmm.. if you open a chest or an inventory, you send to the server, that you opened an inventory. and if you close it it's the same. but with a hack you can prevent it. you didn't send to the server "i closed the inventory" and the server think, it is still opened. and you can move everywhere...
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    Solved Skript Help, Team Chat

    my brain is death xD. if you want you can join the server . we can test what you want! and i don't have a server normaly... xD
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    Solved Skript Help, Team Chat

    command /tc [<player>] [<text>]: permission: tc.send permission message: &cYou don't have permission to do this! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: message "&cPlease use: /tc <player> <message>" stop if arg-2 is not set...
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    Solved Skript Help, Team Chat

    what do you mean? i don't understand... xD and my english is also not very good.. :D
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    Solved Skript Help, Team Chat

    command /tc [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: message "&cPlease use: /tc <message>" stop else: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "tc.getmessage": message "&4&l%player%...
  11. E

    Inventory Move Fix

    hey. i wanted to make fix the "inventory move" hack. with this you can save an inventory and can open it every time you want. i have no idea how to fix this! please help! :)
  12. E

    help xd

    sorry, no prefix xd please help me.. xd command /coal: permission: coal.set permission message: &cNo permissions! trigger: set {coal.%player%} to true message "&aAktive!" on place of coal ore: if {coal.%player%} is true: set the block to...
  13. E


    can you help me? I can not explain xd command /coal: trigger: message "&atest started" set {test.%block%} to true give a coal ore to player command /coaloff: trigger: message "&ctest ended" set {test.%block%} to false on place of...
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    Solved help

    what is wrong here? the errror is, that when i type in the chat "test", that nothing happens. i hope you can help me. Pastebin: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    hey, i want to make king of the ladder. And I want that when a player enters the region, the text is sent and the same when he leaves the region. thank you for your help this was made with google translator :D.
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    Solved damage

    I have made a script where you can not get any case damage. There were also no mistakes, but I still got damage. on damage: if attacker and victim are in world "KnockIt1": damage cause is fall: set damage to 0 I hope you can help me
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    Solved World leave

    Hey! I want to make a mini-game. But I don't know, how i can make, when a player leave the world "KnockIt" , that the player executes a command.
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    Solved region

    Hello. How can I set a region and when I leave it, that I will automatically be teleported to another world? Example: /pos1 , /pos2
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    Solved player is in world error

    hello. i have a problem. i hope you can help me. on damage: if player is in world "Lobby_3": cancel event oh, and i started with script 1 week ago. xd