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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. D

    is there a way to send a message with a suggest command that uses a variable for the command

    if you send <suggest command:command> its meant to type the command for the player when they click on it like "<suggest command:/shop>test" when a player clicks on it it would time /shop for the player
  2. D

    How do i give someone a spawner with preset mob

    yeah but i need it for 1.19 how would i exactly set that mob
  3. D

    is there a way to send a message with a suggest command that uses a variable for the command

    well for me it doesnt work i might need a plugin or its my version im on 1.19
  4. D

    is there a way to send a message with a suggest command that uses a variable for the command

    this is my code command /suggest <text> <text>: aliases: /sugg, /sug, /suggestcommand, /suggestcom permission: skript.suggestcommand permission message: &cYou can't do this! cooldown: 5 seconds cooldown message: &cYou must wait before doing this again! usage: &cUsage...
  5. D

    Solved Hide Flags

    on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "recipegui" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 2: set metadata tag "recipegui2" of player to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&b&lSkUnity" set slot 22 of metadata tag "recipegui2"...
  6. D

    How do i give someone a spawner with preset mob

    this is my code command /spawner: trigger: give spawner with spawntype zombie to player the error is 'spawner with spawntype zombie' can't be added to a player because the former is neither an item type an inventory nor an experience point
  7. D

    Solved Console is not executing command

    idk how to help anymore but theres probably some tutorials on yt that can and maybe its your version that your on thats the problem
  8. D

    Solved Console is not executing command

    are your plugins up to date?
  9. D

    Solved how do i add an nbt to an item

    i pm'd the skript
  10. D

    Solved how do i add an nbt to an item

    i installed it on my server but it still has the same error
  11. D

    Solved how do i add an nbt to an item

    then it doesnt show up for the same reason
  12. D

    Solved how do i add an nbt to an item

    set slot 0 of metadata tag "shop" of player to black stained glass pane of mending 1 named " " add nbt "{HideFlags:1}" to slot 0 of metadata tag "shop" of player is what i tried but it says 'nbt "{HideFlags:1}" can't be added to a slot because the former is neither an item type nor an...