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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. C

    On right click on {var}:

    I have tested with using terracotta and did nothing. I also have an command within skript that sends the name of the block so I can make sure its the right one I'm using, and it outputs black stained hardened clay?
  2. C

    On right click on {var}:

    I'm checking when a player is right clicking on a block a variable thats set to "black stained hardened clay" It doesn't spit any errors, but it doesn't work and all code after it stops working.
  3. C

    Skungee Network Variables (Bungeecord)

    Hello! Recently I started using Bungeecord and I choose to use Skungee, but then I wanted to make network variables, so I could have my playtime skript add seconds, minutes and hours to the player no matter which server they were in. But then something weird happend cause I did exactly how it...
  4. C

    Solved Staff Menu

    Yea that’s true
  5. C

    Solved Staff Menu

    Thanks a lot again
  6. C

    Solved Staff Menu

    When it checks on inventory click it says you can’t use %arg-1% in execute console command
  7. C

    Solved Staff Menu

    Hello I need help with creating a staff menu. code: command /kontrol [<offline player>]: aliases: k, kon, styr, staff permission: staff permission message: &8&l[ &c&lSTAFF &8&l] &cDette kan du ikke!" trigger: if arg-1 is set: set metadata tag "StaffGUI" of...
  8. C

    Solved Auto regenerate Mana

    Thanks a lot mate! Have a great day!
  9. C

    Solved Auto regenerate Mana

    Ahh I see very cool!
  10. C

    Solved Auto regenerate Mana

    Thanks a lot! Wait quick how do you do that like so when you send code here on the forums it is in a like cool box thing
  11. C

    Solved Auto regenerate Mana

    Thanks but I want to make it so let’s say you max mana is 100 when you join. Then you take in some armor which gives +25 mana to your max mana. How do I make that? (When I mean +25 to max mana it adds 25 to the maximum mana you can have before it stops giving you mana automatically)
  12. C

    Solved Auto regenerate Mana

    Hello, so I want to make it so every 1 second it gives 3 mana to player's mana. And it works perfectly right now but I want to make some changes that makes it better. So instead of saying "if {...} is less than 100: do stuff" I want to make so it checks how much mana is the players max and then...
  13. C

    Zombie Can't Exit Region

    Hello. I have tried like a 100 times trying to fix this small line of code: on any movement: if event-entity's display name contains "&8[&71&8] &cZombie": if event-entity is a zombie: teleport event-zombie to past event-location if region at event-zombie is not "zombiespawn1"
  14. C

    Npc Trade/Shop

    Thanks for the replay but I want to use skript
  15. C

    Npc Trade/Shop

    Hello. I want to create npc that gives you a custom item when you have the items needed for it. So when you right click on a npc named “&6Blacksmith” and you have a stick named “&cCool Stick” and 2 diamond named “&bCrystals” it will take you stick and diamond and give you the custom item. Thanks!
  16. C

    Solved Percent Symbol in GUI

  17. C

    Solved Zombie Level System

    How do I make so when you get level 2 you need 100 instead of 50 xp and level 3 200 xp and so on
  18. C

    Dungeons Skript

    Hello. So i wanna create Dungeons like those in Hypixel Skyblock. So the way people can start a dungeon is they right click on a npc then a menu pops up. Then in the menu there is a sword you can click on. When you click on that sword you will automatically get teleported to a place in the...
  19. C

    Solved Dungeons

    Alright thanks
  20. C

    Solved Percent Symbol in GUI

    Hi i need help with making so it shows a percent symbol without making error. code: on right click on entity: if name of entity is "&f&lFin Fisker": set metadata tag "FiskGUI" of player to chest inventory with 5 rows named "&f&lFISKE &e&lCHANCER" set slot...