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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. S

    Is there a way to reproduce this?

    I tried asking on the Discord server but no one answered. Is there a way to reproduce this?:
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    Weird problem with a skript

    I can't find what's causing this, maybe because the server is in offline mode. Anyways, I'll try using some other methods to do this. Thanks for the reply. And also someone close the thread, thanks.
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    Weird problem with a skript

    This is my skript: on rightclick on entity: if event-entity is not villager: stop if name of event-entity is "x": if name of tool of event-player is "&aFactions": send "&a[GEMS] &fTe trimitem pe %name of tool of player%&f..." to event-player...
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    SkellettProxy error

    I made a video trying to configure it. Please, tell me what I'm doing wrong if you're have some free time:
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    BungeeCord Issues

    I tried that. I tried everything. Tried changing my IP, even tried reinstalling my operating system. Nothing worked. Bump :<
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    BungeeCord Issues

    I actually made a thread and the developer kinda refused to help as long as he just said it's my fault and didn't respond anymore. I guess bump?
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    BungeeCord Issues

    Hello, I know there is a topic model but I find it useless in this case. Is there anyway to send a player to another bungeecord server? SkellettProxy doesn't work for me. Thanks.
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    SkellettProxy error

    Tried everything above, none of those worked :( bump
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    SkellettProxy error

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev31b) Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12 --- Full Code: Note: If the code is too large, feel free to use a pasting website (Pastebin or hastebin) Note: If a variable is being set in another script, but not shown, please explain how they are being set...
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    Making a scoreboard like CosmicPvP's old one

    thank you so much! i dont understand how fuctions work yet, but this seems to be working! thank you SO much!
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    Making a scoreboard like CosmicPvP's old one

    The scoreboard only shows my name, not also my faction members' names.
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    Making a scoreboard like CosmicPvP's old one

    thanks for answering, but it doesn't work. maybe i understood wrong, send me a pm or something with the fixed code, please. bump
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    Making a scoreboard like CosmicPvP's old one

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev31b) Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.11.2 --- Full Code: Note: If the code is too large, feel free to use a pasting website (Pastebin or hastebin) Note: If a variable is being set in another script, but not shown, please explain how they are being set...
  14. S

    Skript region at player problem

    Hello, I am trying to make a fly-in-spawn skript, but the region at player thing doesn't work. I tried it in localhost and it worked, but when I tried it on a dedicated server it didn't seem to work. Sorry for my bad english FIXED: I forgot to...
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    Help with envoys

    Hello, so I am trying to make an envoy skript but something is wrong. if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is "add": add "%player's location%" to {envoys::*} send "&6&lEnvoy &8» &f'%player's location%'" if arg-1 is "gui": set...
  16. S

    Solved Help with /balance

    Hello, so I am working on a server now, and I've been trying to add a /balance command. Everything works fine, but I'd like to ask if instead of "$10000" is it possible to make it show "$10,000.00"? I also tried posting on spigot but noone answered, hopefully there's someone here that can help...