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  1. KokoPlayzYT

    Message to player with most damage (enderdragon)

    on damage: if victim is ender dragon: if victim's world is "EnderdrachenEvent": add damage to {enderdamage::%attacker%} on death: if victim is ender dragon: if victim's world is "EnderdrachenEvent": h = 0 loop {enderdamage::%attacker%}...
  2. KokoPlayzYT

    need help with a skript

    umm here is a fix: command /clearlag: trigger: message "[clearlag] All dropped items going to be gone in 10 seconds!" to all players wait 5 seconds message "[clearlag] All dropped items going to be gone in 5 seconds!" to all players wait 5 seconds...
  3. KokoPlayzYT

    Skript error help

    it means that all of the returning values are a Number not a Boolean, if you want to keep this as a number then the returning value couldn't get set to true. that's the best explain i can give. hope you understood
  4. KokoPlayzYT

    Add a new row above the hunger bar?

    nope this is not possible if you are using a plugin, all tho you can do it using a textures and mods, cuz mods EDIT minecraft and plugins ADD to minecraft so there is a huge diffrent between them, the closest you can get with no mods is texturepack or action bar.
  5. KokoPlayzYT

    Vanilla GUI stealable glitch

    just do that if the cancel event after the inventory's name check, it wont stop the event it will just cancel the action, you can still check witch slot he clicked and do the normal coding like this: on inventory click: if name of event-inventory is "§c§lTest": cancel event if...
  6. KokoPlayzYT

    Check Block

    send "%block below player%" to player this just says the block that is below you and that should be enough. Hope i helped! :emoji_smile:
  7. KokoPlayzYT

    on right click on player

    there is no attacker an victim with a right click event.. here is a fix: on right click: if target player is set: make target player execute command "/malza" or how your code works: on right click: if target player is set: set {_hitlocation} to target player's location wait 1...
  8. KokoPlayzYT

    Add not working

    replace it to the prefix solved please.
  9. KokoPlayzYT

    Solved Custom head texture

    You can just use "player's head" or "arg 1's head".
  10. KokoPlayzYT

    Help with item drop

    it seems like skript doesn't know what is "red banner" but your code does work if you try only "banner" witch is kinda weird. if i will find i way ill let you know.
  11. KokoPlayzYT

    Damage sorter

    so damage is a class double(means its a number) so you can add the amount of damage that the player gave to his own variable. example: on damage: if vicitm's name is "bossname": add damage to {bossdamage::%player%} then when the boss dies you can check who has the most
  12. KokoPlayzYT

    Items not stacking in skript

    im pretty sure its a minecraft think and not a skript one, and every time there is a compressed two stacks items i think its a glitch
  13. KokoPlayzYT

    Variable inside of a mob

    you can use MythicMobs to create bosses, much better, and use this code on damage: if victim's name is "somenameidk": cancel event damage vicitim by {totaldamage::%player%}
  14. KokoPlayzYT

    need some help pls

    do it on the on inventory click event, its much better.
  15. KokoPlayzYT

    Shoot arrow from location to player

    Yes there is, using the addon skellet you can use: shoot arrow from <location> as an example if you want to shot and arrow from the player it will see like that shoot arrow from player Hope it helps.
  16. KokoPlayzYT

    1.17 SkQuery doesn't work

    there is nothing we can do about it, open a conversion with the plugin owner and ask him.
  17. KokoPlayzYT

    Solved Armor Stand Problem

    execute player command "" needs to come with an / in the start like execute player command "/thecommand" also you can't cancel a click but what you can do is to type "stop" and the event wont continue checking/doing something and on your amorstand code you how couple of " so skript thinks some...
  18. KokoPlayzYT

    Custom Random block generator

    yeah i can't understand it as well, also if i really understood right then just use "set block" when the other block is broken.
  19. KokoPlayzYT

    Is this possible? (I need help) / Player looking at player causes an effect?

    Yes there is a way, you can use in skript "target player" that should solve your problem, with command blocks i dont think its possible. but this is a skript section sooo yeah.
  20. KokoPlayzYT

    need some help pls

    i suggest you if the actions like being enabled or being disabled you can do "set slot" on the inventory click, also if i didn't understand you correctly, please tell what section of the code doesn't work, and if the hole code you sent isn't working, your code is really f****d up. XD