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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. 3

    No errors skript wont work

    on death of player: if attacker is a player: if player's max health is more than 1: if the max health of attacker >= 30: send "&c&lYou been killed by %attacker% and lost a heart" to victim subtract 1 from max health of player...
  2. 3

    Need helping fixing my quest skript

    Hi. I need help with my quest skript. It gives no errors in the console but will act like it is completed whenever i right click him even before it starts the quest. My code: on right click on zombie: if name of event-entity is "Lazy Miner": if {queststart::%player%} is false...
  3. 3

    need help with my skript

    on right click with stick: if {man::%player%} is above 6: if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape": chance of 95%: apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds apply invisibility...
  4. 3

    need help with my skript

    on right click with stick: if {man::%player%} is above 6: if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape": chance of 95%: apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds apply invisibility...
  5. 3

    need help fixing my skript

    on right click with stick: if {mana.%player%} is above 6: if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape": chance of 50%: apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds apply invisibility 1 to player for 8...
  6. 3

    need help fixing my skript

    on right click with stick: if {mana.%player%} is above 6: if name of tool of player is "&c&lWand Of Escape": chance of 50%: apply speed 2 to player for 8 seconds apply jump boost 2 to player for 8 seconds apply invisibility 1 to player for 8...
  7. 3

    need cooldowns added to my skript

    options: blacklist: command block and bedrock and repeating command block and debug stick and player head and wither skeleton skull and barrier and nether star prefix: &dMinidupe command /dupe [<number>]: trigger: if {@blacklist} contains type of tool: send...
  8. 3

    can anyone add a cooldown to my skript

    options: blacklist: command block and bedrock and repeating command block and debug stick and player head and wither skeleton skull and barrier and nether star prefix: &dMinidupe command /dupe [<number>]: trigger: if {@blacklist} contains type of tool: send...
  9. 3

    need help adding cooldowns for rank perms

    Hi I need help adding cooldowns for 3 perms dupe.5 (5s cooldown) dupe.2 (2s cooldown) dupe.0 (no cooldown) can anyone help me options: blacklist: command block and bedrock and repeating command block and debug stick and player head and wither skeleton skull prefix: &dSERVERNAMEHERE...
  10. 3

    Need help adding cooldowns

    Need help adding cooldowns without perms: 5s cooldown With dupe.2.5 2.5s cooldown and with dupe.0 no cooldown Can anyone help me add all 3 cooldowns into the code options: blacklist: command block and bedrock and repeating command block and debug stick and player head and wither skeleton...
  11. 3

    Solved help with custom zombie drop and unbreakable

    I am new to script and I want to make a zombie drop a diamond with sharpness 3 and I want to make it unbreakable. Does anyone know how?
  12. 3

    Help for my /shop command

    Hi im making a minecraft server and I made a /shop command where players can buy ranks. It works perfectly fine except when clicking any of the iron, gold, diamond or netherrack it does not send the message I'm working on but instead allowed the player to grab the item. Here is the code: command...
  13. 3

    Need help making a magic wand with skrpit

    Hi! for my rpg server I want to add some magic wands for a water update but I don't know how. I want to have water particles in a straight line that goes 5 books far and when hitting a player/mob it does 10 dmg? Does anyone know how and what addons do I need to add warped wood plank btw is the...
  14. 3

    Help needed to add some stuff to a /keyall command

    Hi! My friend gave me a /keyall skript but it was missing some stuff like a cooldown, permission and a brodcast. Can anyone help add them to this code? command /coalkeyall: trigger: make player execute command "crates give all coal 1" btw can you make the permission...