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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. X

    Solved How to get different growth stage?

    Is there any possible way to check if wheat, potato, melon , etc growth stage? I tried to use but it doesn't work
  2. X

    Solved Processing equation

    Thanks for your help, it worked yay
  3. X

    Solved Processing equation

    It doesn't work, when i tried to broadcast the {_a} it send nothing
  4. X

    Solved Processing equation

    If the operators are only * splitting them is working, but how about if there are multiple operator i tried to use evaluate but i can't understand how the syntax work I tried evaluate "set {_a} to {_t}" // {_t} is the equation broadcast {_a} And the result is still same
  5. X

    Solved Processing equation

    so i stored an equation in yaml file, the equation is : 125*[level]*2 which i will replace the [level] with player level. The question is how to process the equation after i replace the [level] with number
  6. X

    How to get variables from mysql

    Skript Version: 2.2 dev-24b Skript Author: bensku Minecraft Version: 1.11.2 --- Full Code: Errors on Reload: Console Errors: Other Useful Info: I use mysql to save some variables to display in my website. But how to get the variables value from it? But i think skript use BLOB to save it...