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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. T

    Cooldown in chat?

    on right click: block is a sign 1st line of event-block is "&a[Stenhakke]" if {cooldown.sten.%player%} is true: send "&4Vent lige "WAIT TIME HERE" makker!" stop cancel event if {cooldown.sten.%player%} isn't set: set {cooldown.sten.%player%} to...
  2. T

    GUI Shop not working?

    record pigstep named "º6Heldig polet" is not a types.recipe (, line 5: format slot 10 of player with music disc pigstep named "&6Heldig polet" with lore "&bPris: &a$7500"') [15:52:53] [Server thread/ERROR]: record strad named "º7S°lv polet" is not a types.recipe (, line 6...
  3. T

    GUI Shop not working?

    Command /casino: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&4Køb poletter!" to player wait 1 tick format slot 10 of player with music disc pigstep named "&6Heldig polet" with lore "&bPris: &a$7500" format slot 12 of player with music disc strad named "&7Sølv...
  4. T

    I cant seem to get players to write custom text

    command /cet <text>: permission: * Permission message: &aMakker tilføjet trigger: make player execute command "arm addmember <text>" This is the current skript i've had some trouble with, It dosent seem to work. it just says "player is not online" i think it's because it...