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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. FrostPVP™️

    Help me fix

    on command /spawn: if {CombatTIme%player%} is not 0: cancel event send "" to player send "&cYou can't use commands in combat" send "&7&l&n_________&8&l&n_____" on leave: if player does not have permission "": if {CombatLog%player%}...
  2. FrostPVP™️

    Skript Help

    Can someone make a combatlog skript? I need it so they can't teleport anywhere and if they log out they die I also need a bypass and you can make the permission whatever you want I want there to be a 10 second wait time for when people get tagged
  3. FrostPVP™️

    I need a skript

    I need a skript where every time a new player joins It makes there name Light-gray &7
  4. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /warn skript

    I need a /warn skript for my new server Please add: - /warn <player> <reason> - /warn message: send: "&aYou have successfully warned <player>" - /warn, /unwarn, /clearwarns, checkwarns permission - /unwarn <player> - /unwarn Message send: "&aYou have successfully unwarned...
  5. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a combat log skript

    Uh I need a custom combat log skript for my server - They get warned: make console execute command: warn %player% Combat Log - When they get /killed when combat log: broadcast "&d&lBedr0ck&5&lPVP &8>> &e(player that combat logged) &chas Combat Logged" - when they come back into the game and...
  6. FrostPVP™️

    I need a skript (pretty long)

    I need a /report skript - if they only do /report send "&cPlease report a &6Player &cand type a &eReason" - Message if they didn't put in a player: send "&cYou need to choose a player!" - Message if they didn't put in a reason: send "&cYou need to have a reason!" - Message if they try to...
  7. FrostPVP™️

    Solved Mine reset lite skript

    I need a skript were /mrl erase (mine) is /mrl delete (mine) or both work as deleting a mine Thank You <3
  8. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a /report skript

    I need a /report skript - if they only do /report send "&cPlease report a &6Player &cand type a &eReason" - Message if they didn't put in a player: send "&cYou need to choose a player!" - Message if they didn't put in a reason: send "&cYou need to have a reason!" - Message if they try to...
  9. FrostPVP™️

    I need a skript

    I need a color chat skript for like &7 &8 &6 those type of color for chat and not /color (color) text cause those are dumb Thank You <3
  10. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a skript

    I need a skript where if a axe named &aSpecial Axe breaks oak planks it gives you oak logs instead and it drops it on the ground not puts it in your inventory thank you :)
  11. FrostPVP™️

    I need a skript

    i need a combat log skript you have to wait 5 seconds and if you log before 5 seconds you instantly die ty <3
  12. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a skript (pretty long)

    I need a /spawn skript - /setspawn - /spawn - sk.spawn (For /setspawn, and /delspawn) - /delspawn sk.spawn - no /spawn permission - instant spawn - if your in combat wait 3 seconds then /spawn (instant teleport) - make it say "&eWait &63 &eSeconds" type of thing when there in combat - (teleport...
  13. FrostPVP™️

    Solved I need a skript

    i need a skript where when you step on a Lime Concrete it teleports you to -314 11 241 and when you step on red contrete it teleports you to -314 11 236 Thank you <3
  14. FrostPVP™️

    Indention error???

    how do i put my text in skript form?
  15. FrostPVP™️

    Solved chatformat skript

    make these into skript files: File Name: Skript: command /creative: aliases: /c, trigger: set player's gamemode to creative send "&aYour gamemode is now &6creative" File Name: Skript: on chat: set chat format to "%player's prefix% &7%player's...
  16. FrostPVP™️

    Solved Shrug command

    I need a skript where when you do /shrug it shows the player who did the command FrostPVP >> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in chat thank you :emoji_slight_smile: nevermind i got the skript
  17. FrostPVP™️

    Solved Why is my skript not working?

    on command /plugins cancel event send...
  18. FrostPVP™️

    when you click a paper it gives you a pex permission

    I want a skript that when you right click it. It gives a pex permission please leave the permission blank i need the paper to be called &a&lPlot Access and and if you can add a lore make it &5&lRight-Click Thank you <3 Plot Access Right-Click To Gain Access To Your Own Plot
  19. FrostPVP™️

    Minehut Box Server

    uh if you don't know what a box server is. Its where there are lots of big mines and they reset every 1-♾ so hears a video of the original: Please Join xD IP: Discord: FrostPVP#4733
  20. FrostPVP™️

    1 helper

    I need any type of staff for my Box server. If you don't don't know what a box server is here is a video of the old version: Discord: FrostPVP™️#4733 Server: