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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. E

    If {_item} is red wool

    how do i check if a item is a specifik item right now i have if number of red wool in player's inventory is greater than or equal to 1: but it triggers even if its a white, green, black and so on. The same happens with flowers. Thanks, Expel.
  2. E

    Enchant diamond sword with list of variables

    I am trying to make a custom enchant skript. I am currently making a list of enchantments which i intend to then apply to a diamond sword. However it gives an error. Code: function enchantedItem(i: item) :: item: if {_i} is diamond sword: chance of 50%: add sharpness 10...
  3. E

    Clickable head gui

    i have this code which can show more than 1 head in the menu but when i click on it. I just get the message of 1 of the players however i click on the other person. else if arg-1 is "medlemmer": if {} is set: wait 3 ticks...
  4. E

    Head menu bug

    i have this code which can show more than 1 head in the menu but when i click on it. I just get the message of 1 of the players however i click on the other person else if arg-1 is "medlemmer": if {} is set: wait 3 ticks open...
  5. E

    Name of player's inventory not working

    i have this piece of code: on inventory close: broadcast "%name of player's current inventory%" if name of player's current inventory contains "enderchest &e✪": broadcast "close" and it gives no errors but it dosent work and it just broadcasts <none>
  6. E

    Skript will not work

    I run a local 1.16.1 server on my computer just for testing. And when i type anything with /sk or /skript it just says /skript help in the chat and nothing happend when i type it Here is my plugins
  7. E

    Prefixes for teams

    Try command /joinred: trigger: set {} to "RED" on chat: if {} is "RED": cancel event broadcast "%colored player's prefix% &c%player%&r %colored player's suffix%: %message%" else: cancel event broadcast "%colored...
  8. E

    Skript addons

    Hello. I am in the progress of making a minigame server. But i always struggel to put on the right plugins, which means i have a lot of problems in my skripts. I know these problems are not because it's written wrong it's the addons. My server runs 1.8 spigot. I dont have essentials on beacuse i...