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  1. Yaşarhan

    Solved Variable Problem

    format slot 0 of player with {amount.%{_seller}%} {itemtype.%{_seller}%} named "Good" with lore "Good" to close then run [execute player command "/good"] I think it is the same problem with the other thread problem, there is no problem with the variables, while creating a chest gui, I want to...
  2. Yaşarhan

    Solved if amount of {VARİABLE}

    Welcome, I have a little problem, this check does not work when I use variable instead of item name. No error. if amount of {itemtype.%player%} in player's inventory is greater than or equal to arg 1: Thanks. Is it that hard ?
  3. Yaşarhan

    Solved İf Max Durability

    Welcome, thanks. I have a little problem. on right click on anvil: cancel event if durability of player's tool is max durability of player's tool: broadcast "Max Durability" else: broadcast "Damaged Durability" For damaged and undamaged tools: "Damaged Durability" I...
  4. Yaşarhan

    Solved Sidebar Players List

    Hello, thank you for your interest. There are no errors in the code, it just doesn't work as intended. I'm trying to list all the players in the loop-variable in the sidebar. loop {party.%{Ownerofparty.%player%}%.list::*}: set {_Player} to player send "&9&l[SİSTEM] &7&l%{_Player}%...
  5. Yaşarhan

    Solved Loop Variable

    Welcome, I hope you are fine. After a while, I started writing skript again. Here is what I am having trouble with: I can't give drops to loop variable. No error and part attacker is working. Where I sample for this code, works smoothly: loop {party.%{Ownerofparty.%player%}%.list::*}...
  6. Yaşarhan

    Solved Is It Possible ? Help !

    First of all thank you for your interest. There is no problem in the code up to the marked place and there is no error. I am trying to randomly the drops into a single player in the looped data. on death: if attacker is a player: if victim isn't a player: set...
  7. Yaşarhan

    Solved Loop Player Group

    First of all thank you for your interest. I just want to loop players from a few groups. Groups: 1) redplayer 2) blueplayer Thanks.
  8. Yaşarhan

    View Drop Display Name

    I am trying to show the drops display names the player has received in send. Also, if there is no drop add the command. on death: if attacker is a player: if victim isn't a player: set {_drops::*} to drops remove drops from the drops wait 5 ticks...
  9. Yaşarhan

    Solved I Think It's Very Hard

    I trying to give health unless it moves. This my code: There is no error in this command but sometimes it gives heal, sometimes it does not give, sometimes it is delayed. on any move: wait 1 seconds set {_location} to location of player wait 3 seconds set {_check} to location of...
  10. Yaşarhan

    Solved Cannot Be Attacked With Axe

    He shouldn't be able to do any damage to someone with his iron axe. Can you offer alternative solutions. The code I wrote is working but I don't want to delete the tool. I tryed change cursor slot, can only hit once. Maybe could send the tool to the inventory. :emoji_thinking: on left click...
  11. Yaşarhan

    Solved İf Victim Player Group

    on death of player: if attacker is a player: if player's group is "RedTeam": if victim player's group is "BlueTeam": add 1 to {killtop.player::%attacker%} As understood from the code, I have trouble controlling the victim player group. Can you help me...
  12. Yaşarhan

    Solved A Little Two Question

    First Question: "On Disconnect" event, is in "On Quit" event included ? Second Question: "if arg 1 does not have permission "":" This command, how can control group ? I Tryneds, this commands no error but not working: if arg 1 do have group is "Mod": if arg 1 do have group "Mod": if...
  13. Yaşarhan

    Solved Command İnner Player Name Has Permission

    One more problem. command /report [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: %arg 1% does not have permission "dont.repport": It is understood, have a player in command, permission. Thanks.
  14. Yaşarhan

    Solved Send İn Run Command

    Working: send "<run command:/chatreport>%player's display name% &9&l» &r%message%" to loop-player Not Working: %player% %message% this args add to command ı did, not working. send "<run command:/chatreport %player% %message%>%player's display name% &9&l» &r%message%" to loop-player I think...
  15. Yaşarhan

    Solved Set Tool Unbreakable

    Ah, new day, new problems. :emoji_slight_smile: give 1 iron pickaxe named "&7&lMining Pickaxeı" with lore "&3Example" to player I researched but could not find. This command in how add tool to unbreakable ? Is an external command required ? Thanks interested.
  16. Yaşarhan

    Solved Level Limit

    on level change: if player's level is greater than or equal to 101:
  17. Yaşarhan

    Solved Very easy but ı could not :)

    Hello dear skript workers. I am trying to send the player name in the command to the execute command. command /trd [<player>]: trigger: execute player command "/trade <%player%>" if arg 1 is not set: send "&c&l[SYSTEM] &7&l/trade (Player Name)" to player Many...