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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. couger44

    Solved Error in creating a expression in skript-mirror.

    It doesn't matter, I already solved it.
  2. couger44

    Help with display name

    Do you have Vault and a permission plugin?
  3. couger44

    Solved Skript don't know "player's prefix".

    Its simple. The expression Player's Prefix does not recognize me. part of code: on chat: cancel event if player's world is "Lobby": if player has permission "": broadcast "%coloured player' prefix%%player%: &9%coloured message%" stop...
  4. couger44

    Three lines for the motd.

    Is there a way to do that? Spigot » 1.8.8 Skript » 2.2-dev36
  5. couger44

    Chat Options

    Requires: Skript 2.2 to Skript dev36 | API Json | SkQuery 3.6.2-LIME | A plugin of permissions. Tested in: Spigot 1.8.8 Screenshots: Arguments not setted: Hover Clicks: Chat Clear: Chat Mute...
  6. couger44

    Solved Crash minecraft on execute command.

    I'm doing a script on applications for the Helper and Builder ranges, when I was testing the command I was crashed by the minecraft and I do not know why.
  7. couger44

    Skript to Java

    What is the java code for this one from skript? command /dp [<string>]: permission: world.dp permission message: §cNo permission. trigger: arg 1 is "si": drop 10 enchanted golden apple at {dp.1}'s location //How can I do that in java?
  8. couger44

    Solved auto write command.

    How can I skript, do something like that? Skript V: dev-36 Spigot 1.8.8
  9. couger44

    Solved Not load the skRayFall score.

    Hello every1, on my server I was changing the scoreboard I had in SkRayFall to Skellett's Scoreboard, which I did not like because it blinked the tab prefixes. But when I put it back in SkRayFall mode it does not load the score, what should I do? I found the issue, the problem is the lenght of...
  10. couger44

    Solved Save the Local Variable of the function

    Is there a way this works? function worldexpNivelDelJugador(p: player, variable: string): if {worldexp.nivel.%{_p}%} is between 1 and 4: set {_%{_variable}%} to "&8[%{worldexp.nivel.%{_p}%}%] %coloured {_p}'s prefix%%{nombre.%{_p}%}%%coloured {_p}'s suffix%" else if...
  11. couger44

    Solved Does not give me the item.

    Hello, A few hours ago I started creating a script about crates. All right until I decide to try it, and well ... the problem is that there are times when he does not give me the items that he should give me. Here been give me the item: Here does not been give me the item:
  12. couger44

    Solved Problem with players inventories

    Hello, A problem has recently arisen in my server, you will ask "Why do you publish it here?", Well the thing is that almost 80% of my server is based on skripts created by me, well the problem is the following: When a player receives items in the hotbar, he can use them as he wants, no ?. But...
  13. couger44

    Help with inventory commands

    Hi, I hope you're having a good day. Well now I will talk to you this doubt I have had for a few hours. A few minutes ago, I did a /report with GUI, I was going to do that by clicking on the item, execute the command "/report% arg 1% fly (or the item that has clicked to report on the hack)...
  14. couger44

    Solved is "sk reload scripts(to reload only a skript)" same to "sk reload (name of script)"?

    Something that I just realized, is that on my server, when I place "/sk reload scripts", it appears that I do not know these expressions: The 13 errors are supposed to be from the skript called "", but when I give "/sk reload WorldAnuncio": There are no mistakes, why does that...
  15. couger44

    Solved When i loop items, the messages too.

    I'm creating a skript for a /sell, and i do it, the thing is that when I try the script, when I have more than 64 blocks of the item that I'm going to sell, the message appears again, how can I solve that? When i have 64 diamonds: When i have 65 diamonds: Part of code is this: on command...
  16. couger44

    Solved Create a expression with skript-mirror

    Hi (Again). While I was creating a skript, it occurred to me to create an expression that is something like this -> json "text" with ttp "tools tip here" with cmd "/execute command here" to player(or all players) Of course, i need the API, but I want to create this to avoid the mess of...
  17. couger44

    Solved Show all skripts in the skript' folder

    How can I make it so that when placing "/sklist", I show all my skripts on the server?
  18. couger44

    Solved Click on url

    How can i do to, when a player click in a url, automatically open a page?
  19. couger44

    Solved Read the level of the enchant.

    Hi everyone, A while ago I was thinking about doing a skript about directly adding the mined items to the inventory, for my server. I did it but then I started to think and I said what happened if the player had fortune how could it be done so that the number of items would double depending on...
  20. couger44

    Solved Skript does not recognize the code "format slot..."

    command /worldcoins [<text>]: trigger: arg 1 is not set: open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lWorldCoins" for player wait 1 tick format slot 10 of player with 42 named "&eCompra el rango &a[VIP]&e!" with lore "&eSi tienes &a500&e WorldCoins puedes...