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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Arownic

    Text Grabber

    Category: Management Suggested name: No suggested name, just need it functional C: Spigot/Skript Version: 2.5.3, Any addons needed I'll add C: What I want: a way to grab text within a pastebin or github file and get certain text from it then send a message of that certain text to player...
  2. Arownic

    Solved Why is my skript not working?

    sorry just noticed a issue here is the actual fixed one on command /plugins cancel event send...
  3. Arownic

    Solved Why is my skript not working?

    add to player to the end it would look like on command /plugins cancel event send...
  4. Arownic

    Solved Are Chest Menus Broken?

    Server Version: git-Paper-129 1.16.1 Skirpt Version 2.5-alpha6-MH Server Host: Minehut Yesterday, I was starting to work on a teleport menu for the nether, I stopped working on it for the night because it was getting late. I reloaded the skirpt (skript below). And then I got this error...
  5. Arownic

    Solved How to make a custom error message?

    Currently trying to modify a StaffChat skript where when ever you did just /sc without text it give you a error message. Skript: options: scprefix:&8[&4StaffChat&8]&7 command /sc [<text>]: trigger: if player has permission "is.staff": if arg-1 is set...