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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. S

    Crates with chances

    Category: Crates Suggested name: ServerCrates Spigot/Skript Version: Latest What I want: So I want crates that have custom winning chances (I should be able to change them) for each item. Each crate should have own key to open. No holograms needed. Ideas for commands: /crate...
  2. S

    Solved no drop skript

    on drop: cancel event send "&cYou can't drop items/blocks on this server!" to player Here without permission but with custom message!
  3. S

    Leaderboard for Top Kills

    This kill counter that you are using is too bad! Use this instead: on death: add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%} add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%} on join: if {kills::%player's uuid%} isn't set: set {kills::%player's uuid%} to 0 on join: if {deaths::%player's uuid%} isn't set...
  4. S

    Holographic Leaderboard (Mined Blocks)

    So I need holographic Leaderboard for mined blocks (at all, not specific block)! One guy made me Kills/deaths holo leaderboard (I used kill counter for that). Thanks for helping!
  5. S

    Solved Daily reward every 24 hours!

    Thanks for the codes! I ended with this one that I made yesterday. options: prefix: &6&lLight&3&lMines &7» cooldown: 24 hours command daily: trigger: set {_waited} to difference between {dailyReward::%uuid of player%} and now if {_waited} is less than...
  6. S

    Solved Daily reward every 24 hours!

    So I need skript for daily reward for my server! So I want command /daily that players can use every 24 hours. The command should give them specific item, as example lets say "1 diamond". If they used the command today and try to type it again, it will give them message "You can get daily reward...
  7. S

    Solved How to give a player permission when righ-click on item?

    So I have multiverseportals but to have access you need to be OP or you group should have "multiverse.portal.access.<portal name>". So how to make that if player right-click on specific item as example paper renamed to Snow Pass, get portal access for that portal? I found this: But its not...