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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. WhoCutTheCheese

    Solved SQLibrary for Skript SQL db

    I am attempting to store variables in a SQL database so that all the server's on my bungee have access to the same data, and I can't get my test server to start with SQLibrary, which the Skript file says it needs. Is there an alternative? Am I doing something wrong? Btw, there's no...
  2. WhoCutTheCheese

    Solved Get killer from crystal

    I'm trying to get the killer from crystal pvp on death of player: victim is player attacker is end crystal add 1 to {kills::%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of attacker parsed as player%} broadcast "&c%victim% &fwas BLOWN up by &c%metadata value "playerWhoDetonated" of...
  3. WhoCutTheCheese

    Solved (Repost I'm dum dum) Report skript

    I have a report skript were you report a player and it'll open a GUI and you click what to report for... After you click that I want it to send the report message to a player with a certain permission. I'm using SkQuery. command report <player>: trigger: open chest with 3 rows...
  4. WhoCutTheCheese

    Solved Report Skript

    I have a report skript were you report a player and it'll open a GUI and you click what to report for... After you click that I want it to send the report message to a player with a certain permission. I'm using SkQuery. command report <player>: trigger: open chest with 3 rows...
  5. WhoCutTheCheese

    I want to format/set a slot

    I want to set slot / format a slot on this skript I just cannot figure out how on rightclick with clock: wait 1 tick open chest with 1 rows named "Server Selector" to player set slot 2 with ironsword It comes up with an error with what I currently have
  6. WhoCutTheCheese

    I want to make it so i can set a players color

    So I'm new to skript and not sure how to do most things Heres my skript command /color [<string>]: trigger: arg 1 is "green": set {chatcolor.%player%} to "&2" send "&eNow you will write in &2green&e!" arg 1 is "red": set...
  7. WhoCutTheCheese

    Solved I want to make a chat color command

    So I am very new to skript, I know basic things like making simple commands but I have something that I don't know how to do. I want to make a /color command where you can /color <color here>. The colors will just be all the essentials colors e.g /color red or /color lightred and it will set...
  8. WhoCutTheCheese

    Solved Set a players group with pex

    Ok, So I want to have a /join command and a /leave command. When a player uses /join it would set their rank to an event rank. I don't know / cant use the player variable Heres the skript command leave: trigger: execute console command "pex user {%player%} group set default" teleport...