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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. WrexBG

    Discord Thread right click event not working

    yes yes it will You can use line x if you know where it is and if it is in the same place for all items which wouldn't matter if they just use nbt and not do such checks with lore Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  2. WrexBG

    Discord Thread right click event not working

    So youve kinda debugged and know the issue is in the first condition Lore will return you a list of strings, for each line If you want to use the string cintains you can make the lore string as well, so "%lore of tool%" I dont recommend that. I recommend you use Nbt tags instead If you want more...
  3. WrexBG

    Discord Thread All entities in a third of a circle

    No, and blocks in the way will also block it So yeah do Sovde's solution Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  4. WrexBG

    Discord Thread All entities in a third of a circle

    There is a condition if there is line of sight but Im not sure that's what they need Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  5. WrexBG

    Discord Thread Usage: message

    I dont think you can if %nl% didnt work You can make all argument optional and send manually a usage message if any of them are not set Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  6. WrexBG

    Discord Thread portals

    And? Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  7. WrexBG

    Discord Thread portals

    Where and what did you search Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  8. WrexBG

    Discord Thread portals

    I am taking about broadcasting You said you didnt know how to do that Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  9. WrexBG

    Discord Thread portals

    Look for broadcasting in the docs It doesnt become more basic than that. Im sure you can figure it out Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  10. WrexBG

    Discord Thread portals

    Debug and you will see that location of block has a .5 on the axis Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  11. WrexBG

    Discord Thread portals

    You can check if event-block is block at location... Just broadcast all the values in chat so you can see them And decide of it works as intended Not rocket science Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  12. WrexBG

    Discord Thread portals

    Have you tried to research how? Have you tried to search in the docs or just try thr first thing that comes to mind? Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  13. WrexBG

    Discord Thread Chat Ping Message

    Well it should already behave as you described it Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  14. WrexBG

    Discord Thread How to format a skript variable to use externally?

    Not sure Maybe something doesn't work on 1.20.1 but it's not likely Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  15. WrexBG

    Discord Thread How to format a skript variable to use externally?

    Is the scoreboard trough a plugin? Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  16. WrexBG

    Discord Thread How to format a skript variable to use externally?

    Why use placeholders then? Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  17. WrexBG

    Discord Thread How to format a skript variable to use externally?

    ah ok Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  18. WrexBG

    Discord Thread How to format a skript variable to use externally?

    can you send the result from /skript info? The code seems correct, that is the way of doing placeholders Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  19. WrexBG

    Discord Thread How to format a skript variable to use externally?

    hmm, seems correct Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.
  20. WrexBG

    Discord Thread How to format a skript variable to use externally?

    What version are you on? Is the addon up to date? Posted by: wrexbg from the skUnity Discord.