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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Tenfont

    Revive skript help

    There is no reference of a "scoreboard" anywhere in your issue description, code, or the image provided.
  2. Tenfont

    Solved Auto Compresser

    If the item is going into your inventory directly, then you're never actually picking it up. This is not a skript issue, it's just how auto-pickup plugins (or scripts) work. You should check whether the plugin responsible for the auto-pickup mechanic has an API you could use to detect when this...
  3. Tenfont

    Solved mine nearby wheat crops on broken with a tool

    Is there an error? What's the issue?
  4. Tenfont

    Solved Auto Compresser

    I'm not sure what auto pickup is
  5. Tenfont

    Script Spawn Script

    Hey, I'm not putting this as a review but because Shroob didn't provide any constructive criticism in his, I'll be highlighting some stuff that could have been done better with the script. #1 The script itself works, but the commands and variables could be better organized. For instance, you...
  6. Tenfont

    Solved Auto Compresser

    Instead of using emeralds named "", you can use plain emeralds.
  7. Tenfont


    I'm still waiting on my weekend quotes :emoji_rage:
  8. Tenfont

    Solved Auto Compresser

    Adding onto Luke's answer, you'd want to use with all item flags rather than with all flags hidden if you're using SkBee 3.4.0 or above.
  9. Tenfont

    Xp Bar Progression

    "According to what I wrote down" What you wrote down is an extremely vague description that matches quite frankly every leveling system out there. This is also not the place to ask for code. That would be the requests section.
  10. Tenfont

    Solved mine nearby wheat crops on broken with a tool

    The issue here is likely caused by the lore check. I suggest you switch to checking for the name of the tool instead, or setting an NBT tag on the tool to identify it later. Working with NBT can be tricky if you're starting out, but it's incredibly useful once you've familiarized yourself with...
  11. Tenfont

    Need help with Defenses for an rpg server

    This answer has been divided into 2 parts, because only half-way through writing the second part did I realize the primary issue with your script. #1 Any variable that starts with an underscore (i.e. _) is called a local variable. It can only be used in the section in which it was declared...
  12. Tenfont

    ban hammer code not working

    Hello, j_91. It is usually good practice to put your code inside a code block for the sake of readability. You can do this by clicking the `Insert` button and then selecting `Code Block` from the menu at the top when writing a message. Also, please always include all the errors and issues you...
  13. Tenfont

    Hi, I've been trying to find a way to see the items inside a shulker

    loop compound list tag "tag;BlockEntityTag;Items" of (nbt compound of {_shulker}): add item of nbt (loop-value) to {_items::*} {_shulker} would be your item. the items of the shulker will be stored in the {_items::*} variable. You can open a GUI with it, give it to the player, etc
  14. Tenfont

    [Hiring] [TEMP] Minigame script

    Then add me on discord. TenFont#7283
  15. Tenfont

    Solved Get length of list

    if size of {list::*} > 2
  16. Tenfont

    Solved Guys how can i make cast lots ?

    You're welcome. You can mark this as solved now
  17. Tenfont

    [Hiring] [TEMP] Minigame script

    Accept my friend request on Discord if you haven't gotten any offers yet.
  18. Tenfont

    Solved Guys how can i make cast lots ?

    command /random: trigger: set {_players::*} to shuffled players loop (size of players) / 2 times: add {_players::%loop-number%} to {_result::*} send {_result::*} This code basically returns half of the online players, randomly. I assume that's what you want here
  19. Tenfont

    I need help with my custom commands.

    Please provide more detail. Which command doesn't work? What errors are you getting? If you're not getting any errors, then what is the desired result, and what result is being observed?
  20. Tenfont

    How to make a function that checks the number of items in a container?

    parameter {_type} is already a string, don't surround it with quotes