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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. N

    [PLEASE HELP] Massive error.

    It seems like a skript addon is doing it. If you check the very first few errors, it mentions that there are skript addons which may cause issues, so if you don't need some of them, delete them. If you need them, I'm not sure what you can do.
  2. N

    Solved How do I a certain type of tool in a player's inventory?

    Hi, I'm trying to make it so that every tick, any sword/axe in a player's inventory is enchanted with Sharpness 5. At first, I made it run the enchant command on the player for sharpness 5, but I've noticed that only enchant's the tool in the player's hand. Any idea on how to fix this? Here's...
  3. N

    Please help this doesnt work!

    I think the heal event was did wrong, it should look something like this: on damage: damage cause is void: teleport victim at location at (-474, 5, -307) wait 5 ticks execute console command "/effect give %victim% instant_health 1 20" broadcast...
  4. N

    Solved How do I make an assist system?

    Okay, ill try. Thanks in advance! It didn't work, even with the tweaking. NVM it works now! Thank you!
  5. N

    Solved How do I make an assist system?

    Does anyone know how to detect if a player assisted in killing someone? Like for example, if a player is on fire, and one of the other players decides to hit him, but then after that, he dies a few seconds later, is there a way to detect that the player hit him a few seconds ago?