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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. BaeFell

    skUnity Parser

    It worked for me, what problem are you getting?
  2. BaeFell

    "every 1 seconds:" is not available

    You can't use "every 1 seconds:" inside the code. It has to be it's own section like your "on death of player" bit.
  3. BaeFell

    Solved Skript Discord Ban Appeal

    You've been unbanned. Rejoin via Looking forward to your improved behaviour. Happy New Year.
  4. BaeFell

    There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to 4'

    Is the line meant to be, or is this a typo? set score "Current Location "{_tlocation} in sidebar of loop-player to 4 It should be: set score "Current Location %{_tlocation}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  5. BaeFell

    Wildskript Deobfuscator Not Working

    Are you on Discord?
  6. BaeFell

    What am i doing wrong?

    It seems like you're missing addons. Your option in the 3rd picture doesn't exist.
  7. BaeFell

    What am i doing wrong?

    What errors are you getting? If possible, copy and paste them from console.
  8. BaeFell

    What am i doing wrong?

    Sorted from highest to lowest requires MorkazSk, do you have that addon installed? Skript already has 2 sorting syntax:
  9. BaeFell

    help my skript

    every 10 seconds: loop all players: if block below loop-player is red wool: spawn a zombie at location of loop-player
  10. BaeFell

    GETTING AN ERROR ON if arg-1 is "load"

    Please share your full script using ...
  11. BaeFell

    Skript not liking quotes

    You have a triple hashtag after "are" which is breaking the rest of the line.
  12. BaeFell

    News State of skUnity: 2024 - Response Overview

    Hi everyone, We recently ran the State of skUnity: 2024 Survey and had over 40 responses which was double the count of last year's State of skUnity. It's been great seeing the feedback. This post is an overview of the responses. I won't be sharing specifics regarding the responses from the...
  13. BaeFell

    What lol

    What lol
  14. BaeFell


    Cloudflare keeps triggering that for some reason, but the site isn't down. If that happens, just refresh the page and it should go away. If it keeps happening, drop me a DM on here or on Discord (same username)
  15. BaeFell

    Solved Tablist Ranks after order

    This is back now.
  16. BaeFell

    Solved Improving my Skript

    I'd still be careful with adding colour codes. Could still be faked by someone, although can't remember if anvils let you put & in. If you've got Vault installed, you can do add {_amount} to balance of player
  17. BaeFell

    Solved Any working skript-database addon for 2.8?

    You need to do '%uuid of {_p}%' as it's a string
  18. BaeFell

    Script Tools Script Deobfuscator (WildSkript + Obfuskator 2.0.5)

    I don't understand what you mean.
  19. BaeFell

    Happy belated birthday!

    Happy belated birthday!
  20. BaeFell

    Script Tools Script Deobfuscator (WildSkript + Obfuskator 2.0.5)

    Send me a copy of the script and I'll take a look.