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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. E

    How to make a cage pet?

    Hello, I think thats what you want. Here is the codes: function summonCage(p: player): set {_center} to location of {_p} loop blocks in radius 2 around {_center}: if loop-block is air: set loop-block to iron bars set {_topLocation} to {_center}...
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    Solved Tree Feller Skript!

    Here is the last version of my script coming with auto plant and permission "break.log" and fixed somethings. function chain(b: block, n: integer): wait 1 tick if {_n} is less than 50: add 1 to {_n} set {durabilityless} to {_n} loop blocks in radius 3 around...
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    Solved Tree Feller Skript!

    "The durability decreases by the amount of blocks you break in the script below. If you set it to {durability_less} * 2, it will decrease by double. function chain(b: block, n: integer): wait 1 tick if {_n} is less than 50: add 1 to {_n} set {durabilityless} to {_n}...
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    Solved Tree Feller Skript!

    Sorry for bumping but I really wanna help who looking for like that. So I make a new one with working on 1.21.1 Your version is still broken, If I use my axe on placed blocks script dropping all of blocks who I placed. So here is the fixed version: on place of any log: set metadata value...
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    Addon SharpSK Fork [1.16.4] New Update ! - Download Fix

    To provide continued usability of this addon, a new download has been provided. The author is no longer maintaining this project. There is no means of obtaining support from the author or skUnity. If you need help, use the correct help category on the skUnity Forums or join the skUnity Discord...
  6. E

    Prevent Block Behind The Item Frame from Breaking

    I dont use tuske and I dont need skript gui. Why I need skript gui? Somebody can help me pls?
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    Prevent Block Behind The Item Frame from Breaking

    Thanks but not working. Do nothing - Doesnt give error. on break of purpur block: loop all blocks in radius 1 around event-blocks: if loop-block is item frame: cancel event
  8. E

    Prevent Block Behind The Item Frame from Breaking

    How can I prevent the block behind the item frame from breaking. Because If players break block behind item frame, itemframe is dropping.
  9. E

    Solved Daily Elytra Break

    Thanks now working. Tenfont can I ask a one question? How can I prevent the block behind the item frame from breaking. Because If players break block behind the item frame. Doesnt add "elytra_breakxxx" metadata
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    Solved Daily Elytra Break

    Doesn't give any error. function getElytraBreaks(attacker: player) :: integer: if {_attacker} has permission "elytra.premium": return 3 else if {_attacker} has permission "elytra.uvip": return 2 else: return 1 on damage of itemframe: if attacker's world...
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    Solved Daily Elytra Break

    Still not working
  12. E

    Solved Daily Elytra Break

    Thanks for answer but giving error Can u look this? Script didn't give error but not working. function getElytraBreaks(attacker: player) :: integer: if {_attacker} has permission "elytra.premium": return 3 else if {_attacker} has permission "elytra.uvip": return 2...
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    Solved Daily Elytra Break

    Hello sorry for bad english, I have something in mind. In the End world, can we block Left Click and Right Click events for Elytra and Item Frame, giving daily elytra breaking right? For example, VIPs have the 2 break elytra permission per day. Players have the 1 break elytra permission. So the...
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    Solved On Armor Equip Cant Check Elytra

    On armor equip cant check elytra what can I do? - Version 1.17.1 Airplane - SharpSK on armor equip: if player is in "dungeon": if event-item is elytra: cancel event message "&6Error: &cYou cant equip elytra on this world!" Im update sharpsk and this fixed
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    Skript cant check spawner break event

    Normally working but If I break spawner not working
  16. E

    Skript cant check spawner break event

    If I use; on place event on place of spawner: send "{@prefix} &bThats working." to player But If I use; on break event on break of spawner: send "{@prefix} &bThats working." to player Not working. What can I do? Im using wildstacker for spawner stack btw
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    Addon SharpSK Fork [1.16.4] New Update ! 1.6.4

    Requires Java 8. Java 7 is no longer supported About: SharpSK is an addon that is packed with support for a lot of different plugins that you will be able to interact with in skript. It also contains a lot of features itself to try out. Donor list: [If you want add me on discord]...
  18. E

    SharpSK Fork [1.16.4] New Update !

    Requires Java 8. Java 7 is no longer supported About: SharpSK is an addon that is packed with support for a lot of different plugins that you will be able to interact with in skript. It also contains a lot of features itself to try out. Donor list: [If you want add me on discord]...
  19. E

    Place Block but I need 32x32 area max 25

    Hello! I need on place radius. Example: 32x32 area can be placed max 25 bedrock options: area:32 block:bedrock max:25 R G