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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Kartvya69

    Afk Rewards skript latest version

    Suggested name: Afk Rewards Skript Skript Version: 2.8.0 What I want: I want a Afk skript that have customisable region enter and exit message with the afk rewards where on afking on that region give the rewards using console commands and i wanted that there should be an actionbar timer of...
  2. Kartvya69

    Skript Trim effects and features

    Hello I want to thank you for even trying to help me but sadly the skript generated 6 errors I am using the latest 2.7.0 skript version
  3. Kartvya69

    Skript Trim effects and features

    So actually I want to make a skript for Like if the player wears only full trimmed Armor he would get some strength and speed effects if he takes out any piece of that Armor It should be removed and Also I need to find a way that it could also add temp hearts like he should get 6 hearts extra...