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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. C

    Unbreakable Block

  2. C

    Unbreakable Block

    How do i make my gen unbreakable.. I need the feature so it doesn't bug out and the only way to delete the block is through right click (which I've already done)
  3. C

    script not working

    nothing it says success
  4. C

    Solved Console Execute

    It already was like that, copy and pasted it wrong. Will the player have access to this function?
  5. C

    script not working

    This script doesnt give me the chest?? on right click on sign: line 1 is "[Warp]": line 2 is "netherpvp": line 3 is "everyone": player command "warp netherpvp" give player chest named "&aKit Selector &7(Right Click)"
  6. C

    Solved Console Execute

    Script: on right click on coal block: if event-player is sneaking: loop {generator::1::}: if loop-value is event-location: remove event-block's location from {generator::1::} send action bar "{@prefix} You removed a level 1 generator" to...
  7. C

    Solved remove and add to players inventory

    I got a warp sign and the chest doesn't give it to the player bec they don't use /warp netherpvp anymore.. How would I make it so they receive the chest on right click of that certain sign? Sign: [Warp] netherpvp everyone
  8. C

    Shop GUI

    I want a shop gui where people are able to buy and sell items: items to sell: coal ($20) iron ($100) items to buy: Coal Block named "&0&l&oCoal Generator" (buy for $500) Iron Block named "&f&l&oIron Generator" (buy for $2000)
  9. C

    Shop GUI

    I want a shop gui where people are able to buy and sell items: items to sell: coal ($20) iron ($100) items to buy: Coal Block named "&0&l&oCoal Generator" (buy for $500) Iron Block named "&f&l&oIron Generator" (buy for $2000)
  10. C

    How do i make a item generator spawn on the location I set? Basically like a bedwars dropper and...

    How do i make a item generator spawn on the location I set? Basically like a bedwars dropper and make it able to be upgradable by the player through a gui from money. This money should be given by /sell as they get the items from the floor. Please I need help and it would be good for me to...
  11. C

    How do i make a item generator spawn on the location I set? Basically like a bedwars dropper and...

    How do i make a item generator spawn on the location I set? Basically like a bedwars dropper and make it able to be upgradable by the player through a gui from money. This money should be given by /sell as they get the items from the floor. Please I need help and it would be good for me to...
  12. C

    Item generator

    How do i make a item generator spawn on the location I set? Basically like a bedwars dropper and make it able to be upgradable by the player through a gui from money. This money should be given by /sell as they get the items from the floor. Please I need help and it would be good for me to...
  13. C

    Solved remove and add to players inventory

    Where is the best tutorials to learn to skript?
  14. C

    Solved remove and add to players inventory

    It works perfectly. But i have one more issue, I did /setworldspawn and /setspawn and it works for new players but when I join it teleports me to my previous spawn??
  15. C

    Solved remove and add to players inventory

    yes thats it, but i want it so when they go back to /spawn it clears their inventory again
  16. C

    Solved remove and add to players inventory

    I need a script that would make it so when the player spawns into the server their inventory is empty but when they do /warp netherpvp they get added a chest named: '&aKit Selector &7(Right Click)' into their first slot of their hotbar?? please help asap