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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Farid

    Custom NBT

    {SpawnReason:1} isn't an actual NBT Tag (source) If you want to set an identification that determines if a sheep isn't spawned naturally use TagAPI
  2. Farid

    Solved if damage cause is hunger

    try if “%damage cause%” is “hunger”:
  3. Farid

    Factions Mania [1.8 - 1.15.2] // Spells // Quests // Skript-Made

    Welcome to GirlGam3rs. Everyone is welcomed. We are a dedicated meme community while striving to bring the upmost unique faction server. We are a community not of only Minecraft but also consist of having other servers: Counter-Strike. We also have events frequently, whether it's an in-game boss...
  4. Farid

    play sound expression isn't working

    1.8 sound names are different, you should check what the user's client version is and play that sound either in 1.8 sound or 1.12 sounds, etc.
  5. Farid

    Solved invalid use of quotes

  6. Farid

    Solved invalid use of quotes

    open chest with 3 rows named "&3&lMissions" to executor format slot 10 of player with cobblestone named "&b&lBuilder" with lore "||&7Click to see all||&7Builder challenges!" to close then run [execute player command "§##missions-builder"] format slot 12 of player with...
  7. Farid


  8. Farid

    Solved Multiple Permissions, Optional.

    command /menu1: trigger: if sender has permission "blah" or "blah": message "yes." to sender else: message "&cYou do not have access to that command." to sender
  9. Farid

    Solved Cant make nextline on lore work.

    Depending on your skript version you might have to do format slot 10 of player with Blue Wool named "&9Trial-Mod" with lore "test", "test" to close then run [execute player command "/nothing"]
  10. Farid

    Skript Service

    Thread updated and actually put time into making it.
  11. Farid

    Can't get gui's to work.

    Give me the version you are using for each plugin /ver skript, tuske, skquery Your /about aswell.
  12. Farid

    apply slowness on hit

    on damage: if victim is a player: if attacker is a player: if attacker's tool is ghast tear named "&b&lIce Shard": apply slowness 1 to victim for 5 seconds
  13. Farid


    on join: while player is online: wait 5 seconds set {suffix::%uuid of player%} to colored "&7[&e%player's level%&7]"
  14. Farid

    mining 3x3, 3x4 and 3x5

    Check the player's pitch, to determine if they're looking at the x-axis or z-axis. loop from top left block thru the bottom right block from the player's perspective naturally, break loop-block
  15. Farid

    [Skript Challenge] Wind particles

    Category: Ambient Suggested name: Atmosphere Spigot/Skript Version: 1.14 What I want: I just want the wind lines in the background, to add atmosphere for my server. But I don't work with SkDragon like that, so I have no idea! Ideas for commands: None needed. Ideas for permissions: None...
  16. Farid

    Solved Staff Chat.

    Untested. function contains(list: objects, check: object) :: boolean: loop {_list::*}: if loop-value is {_check}: return true return false on join: if player has permission "": if contains({server:staff::*}, player) = false...
  17. Farid

    Command Help.

    You get the gist. command /gmc: permission: permission message:No access to this command. trigger: if gamemode of player = creative: send "&f[&bFireUHC&f] &9Your gamemode was already creative!" to player else if gamemode of...
  18. Farid

    Tab completion

    set tab-completion= -1 in your spigot.yml
  19. Farid

    Run a command that takes XP and runs another command.

    What's your end goal, and can you show me your code? I can probably make it very simpler than it is.
  20. Farid

    "Former is not an object"

    Remove your percentages around number-arg