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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders

    APickledWalrus updated skript-placeholders with a new update entry: 1.7.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - 1.7.0

    This update includes new features, bug fixes, and syntax changes. Please note that it is not compatible with 1.6.0 and your scripts will require some changes. You can review the full changelog here:
  3. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - 1.6.0

    This update resolves the issues reported when using newer versions of Skript. The full changelog is available at
  4. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders

    APickledWalrus updated skript-placeholders with a new update entry: 1.6.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-gui 1.3

    This addon provides the ability to create advanced and organized GUIs with minimal syntax. It is a remake (with some reimagining) of TuSKe's (by Tuke_Nuke - advanced GUI system. That system was abandoned and has become very outdated, hence the existence of...
  6. APickledWalrus


    This addon provides the ability to create advanced and organized GUIs with minimal syntax. It is a remake (with some reimagining) of TuSKe's (by Tuke_Nuke - advanced GUI system. That system was abandoned and has become very outdated, hence the existence of...
  7. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - 1.5.2 - Another bug fix update

    **From GitHub:** Fixes #27 This release also updates the addon's dependencies. It should be compatible with Skript 2.5 / 2.6. As always, if you encounter any issues or have any ideas for updates, please feel free to open an issue at
  8. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - 1.5.1 - Minor Bug Fix

    I forgot to do this a while ago... sorry!
  9. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - 1.5 - Cleanup and new features

    A lot of syntax has been merged together. Scripts should still work, but some may require minor changes. The documentation has been updated to reflect this update, so I advise users to check that out. Overall plugin size has been reduced due to internal cleanup and refactoring. The colorize...
  10. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - PlaceholderAPI Updates

    Updated PlaceholderAPI to 2.10.6 Please make sure you are running the latest version! Added a new option (without color) to the parse placeholder expression. This only applies to PlaceholderAPI placeholders. It affects whether the returned placeholder value is colorized. Fixed a few NPEs that...
  11. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders

    APickledWalrus updated skript-placeholders with a new update entry: Bug Fixes! Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - Bug Fixes!

    I would recommend updating to this version as soon as possible. This update fixes a few bugs: Fixed an error that would occur with asynchronous calls (Closes #4). Fixed an error that sometimes occurred with setting the result. If you have any suggestions for this addon, let me know :)
  13. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders

    APickledWalrus updated skript-placeholders with a new update entry: Register Placeholders with MVdWPlaceholderAPI Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - Register Placeholders with MVdWPlaceholderAPI

    IMPORTANT: There were minor syntax changes in this update, so your code may have to be updated. Due to the new syntax, the documentation and examples have been moved over to wiki pages ( The latest syntax is available there. This...
  15. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders

    APickledWalrus updated skript-placeholders with a new update entry: MVdW Placeholders Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders - MVdW Placeholders

    This release adds support for MVdW Placeholders and also fixes potential bugs.
  17. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders

    APickledWalrus submitted a new resource: skript-placeholders - Use and register placeholders with PlaceholderAPI Read more about this resource...
  18. APickledWalrus

    Addon skript-placeholders 1.7.0

    This addon allows you to create your own PlaceholderAPI placeholders, which can be used in any plugin that supports it. You are also able to use PlaceholderAPI and MVdW placeholders within your scripts. It is a fork of Ersatz which has been updated to work with the newer versions of...
  19. APickledWalrus

    Skungee evaluate effect?

    I'm also having the same issue. Using latest Skungee on Spigot 1.12.2 The message I recieve in console: [Skungee] Sending Recieved packet: EVALUATE with data: [broadcast "Example"]