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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. dergrosehd

    Text component minimessage in bossbar

    Yes, I use skbee. But when I try to use the minimessage text component in the bossbar title it does not work.
  2. dergrosehd

    Text component minimessage in bossbar

    How can I use a minimessage text component inside of a bossbar title?
  3. dergrosehd

    help skript gui

    This is an error of spaces and tabs. Check your code and change the spaces to tabs.
  4. dergrosehd

    Light block level

    Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem?
  5. dergrosehd

    Addon Graphisk

    I hope this is read. I would appreciate it if there would also be support for the plugin from Oliver
  6. dergrosehd

    Light block level

    Hey, I am looking for the solution to check if a light block nearby a player has light level 0. My working code without the check is on player move: loop all blocks in radius 1.3 around player: if loop-block is light: # action
  7. dergrosehd

    SkQuery mysql always returning <none>

    The following code always return <none> set {_output::*} to objects in column "UUID" from result of query "SELECT UUID FROM `Test_Player` WHERE `UUID` = `%uuid of player%`" my full code is on join: set {_output::*} to objects in column "UUID" from result of query "SELECT UUID FROM...
  8. dergrosehd

    Player glide

    I have a small question. I'm trying to write a script that lets the player glide after a certain event, so without any elytra. I also set the glide status of the player to true, but the player then only glides for a millisecond and then crashes. Does anyone know how to glide the player until he...
  9. dergrosehd

    Can't get Scoreboard objective scores with bukkit event

    Hi, I would like to use an expression to read scoreboard objectives. Unfortunately, I get only an error and no output. My code: inport: org.bukkit.scoreboard.Score expression score of %player% out of [objective] %string%: get: return...
  10. dergrosehd

    Script Tools Sublime Text 3 Syntax Highlighting

    Is there any way to use this extension in Sublime Text 4?
  11. dergrosehd

    Command without skript:<command>

    Hey, is it possible to create a command without an automatic alias skript:<command>?
  12. dergrosehd

    Setup Skungee Database

    Hey, i would like to store the network variables in a MariaDB but I am not able to connect the database properly. In the console I only get the error "[Skungee] Failed to initialize type: MariaDB". I have also tried it with MySQL but the error also comes with the type MySQL.
  13. dergrosehd

    SkellettProxy SkellettProxy

    But I would like to use Skellett Proxy, because this crap Skungee does not work. I am looking for a system where you can send variables between servers in real time. Since the feature of script with the database does not work, because that is not in real time and if you put this down to 1 second...
  14. dergrosehd

    SkellettProxy SkellettProxy

    Where can I find the Skellett proxy plugin? I only find the crappy Skungee plugin, which does not work anyway!
  15. dergrosehd

    Friend Skript ERROR

    You forgot a colon after line 5 if arg-1 is "remove": if arg-2 isn't set: send "{@friend} &7Use &6/friend remove <player>" if arg-2 is in {friend::%player%}: send "{@friend} &6%arg-2% &7is not your friend." else...
  16. dergrosehd

    Script 1.12 does not work

    No i have tryed it with an other Version of 1.12.2.jar and Then all work #close
  17. dergrosehd

    Script 1.12 does not work

    There is not Error and 1 Command it works but the spigot-1.12.2.jar does not work :(
  18. dergrosehd

    Script 1.12 does not work

    Hello, I have found an error in the script for the 1.12. I have created a Spigot Server with the version 1.12.2 and downloaded Skript2.3.6. On my server is a skript command /test [<text>]: trigger: send "This is a test skript" Error nothing The command is not working on the...
  19. dergrosehd

    Solved Help with block break event

    I am looking for a method to break a block only with specific items on break of a stone: damaged wooden pickaxe: cancel event damaged stone pickaxe: cancel event # it's true send "Now its right" add 1 to {variable::minedstone::%player%}