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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. qloha

    (Mod) Better Emotes | V1.0 Release

    Better Emotes V1.0 Release! This is my first official mod release and was inspired by Kokeria's ( mod ChatEmotes ( Better Emotes Download...
  2. qloha

    Trying to ban lecterns with NBT tags.

    on right click on lectern: cancel event ???
  3. qloha

    kit help

    wrong section jesus christ its not that hard use skript requests
  4. qloha


    this is insane bro good job
  5. qloha

    Making a special crown that gives effects plus a right click dash with cooldown

    Variables: {cooldown.%player%} = 20 on armor change: if event-item is unbreakable golden helmet named "&x&F&B&E&9&0&0&lᴋ&x&F&B&E&B&1&A&lɪ&x&F&C&E&D&3&3&lɴ&x&F&C&F&0&4&D&lɢ&x&F&D&F&2&6&6&l'&x&F&D&F&4&8&0&ls...
  6. qloha

    Addon SkCheese

    aww it would be very cool tho... thats fine not tryna bug u, just saying that (in my opinion) much use for a skript addon that doesnt really change anything in the game. at least like 5 features that affects the game is what most people are downloading
  7. qloha

    how do i make this work (SOLVED)

    remove all paper from player's inventory
  8. qloha

    Addon SkCheese

    yo can u add like while player is holding down right/left click to ur addon? it would be an insane feature to add because (as far as i know) there are no other addons that have this
  9. qloha

    /duel skript

  10. qloha

    /duel skript

  11. qloha

    /duel skript

    o i get it
  12. qloha

    Solved Kit List Permission check assistance

    dude its not like people will be like ooo this one guy on one website posted an obscure thing that im probably not gonna use im just going to steal it from them and use it by myself without giving credit oooohhh
  13. qloha

    /duel skript

    what is that? how would i do that?
  14. qloha

    /duel skript

    oh sorry can someone make the skript tho please?
  15. qloha

    /duel skript

  16. qloha

    /duel skript

  17. qloha

    /duel skript

    doesnt work
  18. qloha

    /duel skript
