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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. emperorofwater

    Issues using variables to check level of enchantment

    I'm working on a way to override the floor function on anvil enchantment combination: if a item has a enchantment greater than the max when combining it, the level will remain instead of being reset to the max level. on inventory open: wait 1 tick #required to get correct inventory check...
  2. emperorofwater

    how to save a balance in a variable

    that defeats the purpose
  3. emperorofwater

    how to save a balance in a variable

    this returns the error set {2money::money} to loop-player's balance A money cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {2money::money} will be lost when the server stops. (, line 52: set {2money::money} to loop-player's balance') how do i save the variable as the money without...
  4. emperorofwater

    Need help with conditions

    command /home: description: Teleport yourself to your home trigger: if {home.%player%} is not set: play sound "block.note_block.bass" to player message "&cYou have not set your home yet!" stop if player has 5 gold nuggets named...
  5. emperorofwater

    Remove damage meter from iron sword

    wait theres a tool breaking sound
  6. emperorofwater

    hide and seek but with blocks

    Category: ? Suggested name: Spigot/Skript Version: 2.4 What I want: a hide and seek plugin where people are blocks instead of players. Ideas for commands: /bh queue (queue name) - joins queue /bh leave - leaves queue /bh create - create queues /bh blocks (block to add) - adds a...
  7. emperorofwater

    farming farms

    i know what to do but is the variable tab needed as it will break if it is you gotta make it so it includes the location so you can have multiple farms this also needs to test if the block next to the bedrock is air so it don't break anything
  8. emperorofwater

    Warp GUI - Dont work

    so is this a warp setting & tping skript or just one of these 2? im sure its because = means that you cant have multible
  9. emperorofwater

    farming farms

    whats the error? you need to tell us whats wrong
  10. emperorofwater

    teleport player to location at (63,53,-145) in world "world" not working

    i can't use teleport player to location at (63,53,-145) in world "world" on my server
  11. emperorofwater

    could someone make a minecraft evolution skript for me

    like each version of minecraft like beta to 1.15
  12. emperorofwater

    could someone make a minecraft evolution skript for me

    like on command /evolve with a permission that changes what blocks can be used & crafted by players
  13. emperorofwater

    block breaking stopper skript

  14. emperorofwater

    block breaking stopper skript

    dude, I want some blocks to be breakable but the way I'm trying seems to not work
  15. emperorofwater

    block breaking stopper skript

    the allowing of blocks doesn't work but I can't figure out why on break: if player does not have permission "break.all.block": if {} is not event-block: cancel event command /allow [<text>]: permission: skript.staff trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send...
  16. emperorofwater

    Solved My structure spawning skript won't work

    oh I tried that but the source where I got it from had the wrong addon listed
  17. emperorofwater

    Solved My structure spawning skript won't work

    on place of light gray concrete powder: make console execute command "/summon endermite %event-location%" make console execute command "/execute @e[type=endermite] ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~ ~ structure_block 0 replace {mode:"LOAD",posX:0,posY:0,posZ:0,sizeX:3 ,sizeY:5 sizeZ:3...
  18. emperorofwater


  19. emperorofwater

    Solved A trail skript

    ok done will edit post shortly
  20. emperorofwater

    Solved A trail skript

    you could of deleted yur post I also made it run out for lag reasons Whats a memory leak. I dont know how to delete them. I just looked at another skript and learned off that I have underlined the words you used for what im speaking about