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  1. Z

    Addon SkQuery [1.13-1.21+]

    Is hot bar switch removed?
  2. Z

    Damge by var is not working!

    I found the reason I can't do this set {_test} to {test2}*0.75 make attacker damage victim by {_test} I have to do this set {_test} to {test2} set {_test} to {_test}*0.75 make attacker damage victim by {_test} This is really weird. @@
  3. Z

    Damge by var is not working!

    that's all of the code. on damage: if attacker is a player: if victim is not dead: wait 3 ticks if {class.%attacker%} = "warrior" or "nothing": set {_moredamage} to {moredamage.%attacker%}*0.75 make attacker damage victim...
  4. Z

    Damge by var is not working!

    ver. 1.13.1 | skript beta.2 | skquery 3.6.2 working make attacker damage victim by 5 not working make attacker damage victim by {_test} make attacker damage victim by {test} make attacker damage victim by {test.%attacker%} Can it be solved by other ways?
  5. Z

    【Error】if player is at location

    if player is at location location(100, 100, 100, "td"): How can I do ?
  6. Z

    Players in the water or lava

    How can I set the players get regeneration when they're in the water or lava?
  7. Z

    Unbreakable is not working

    command /mw_su: trigger: make player execute command "/playsound entity.item.pickup ambient %player%" set {mw_su} to diamond_hoe named "&5&3333" set durability of {mw_su} to 2 set lore of {mw_su} to "123" give unbreakable {mw_su} to the player Why...
  8. Z

    How to make a trap block

    I wanna make the cracked stone bricks disappear for a while when someone moves onto them. But I can't make it happen correctly. Sometimes the blocks won't spawn at their original position...... on walking on Cracked Stone Bricks: send "watch out!" to player set...
  9. Z

    Set Block at (x y z)

    ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ How can I set the block to block-2 at the specified coordinates(red point)? Assuming that I already know the coordinate of the yellow point, what should I do? on leftclick on a grass: player is holding {city_center} set {lx.citycenter} to the event-block's x-coordinate...
  10. Z

    How To Set {Var} to the name of the item on player's hand?

    Sorry for my bad English! I want that players could name their empire by a paper. So fist, I need to set the var. But I don't know how it do. Can I type something like this? command /aoecreatee: trigger: set {empires.%player%} to the name of the paper on player's hand...