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  1. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

  2. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    The drill is working but only when facing north its breaking 3x3x3, when looking at south its breaking 3x3x2 and when facing east and west its 4x3x2.
  3. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    No I asked if lava and water gets deleted or not
  4. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    while breaking its 4x3x2 and sometimes 3x3x2 and lava and water is also getting deleted
  5. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    nvm i fixed the mine stats on join: while player is online: set {_mined} to {mined::%player's uuid%} set {_deaths} to deaths stat of player set {_kills} to mob kills stat of player set {_health} to player's health set {_world} to player's world...
  6. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    blocks mined stats is not updating and can you change that when player's mined or placed stats is 0, make it that it says 0 in the stats instead of (none)
  7. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    Is there any chance I can add blocks to that can be mined like this like a whitelist.
  8. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

  9. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    i want it to be 3x3x3 which breaks 27 blocks. And can you make it that only certain block will breaks and other blocks will remain to its normal state if that block is not in the allowed list. eg:stone, cobblestone and does water and lava source will be set to air too ?or not
  10. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    @NixTer i have an idea when typing /world or something a gui will open and there will be overworld, nether, and end. Is it possible to see online players in each worlds ?
  11. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

  12. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    I know i'm asking you too much but can you troubleshoot this if you are ok to do it.
  13. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    alr thx
  14. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    Oh thanks i'll do it myself but can you assist me to make the items layout like this. Can you do a single item as layouted like this
  15. RealStrike

    Can anyone help me with this

    Oh thank you so much for your help.
  16. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    The link works but its not showing and i mean like while typing /stats a gui will open and show stats in items
  17. RealStrike

    Can anyone help me with this

    Hey, I am new to skript and I heard about addons for skript but I don't know what that does and how to install. Can anybody help me :emoji_grinning: Suggest some addons too
  18. RealStrike

    give me your skript ideas!

    theres already a good plugin for that
  19. RealStrike

    Rapid-fire your requests :)

    make a stats skript that includes Deaths, health, world, blocks breaken, blocks placed, mob kills, playtime, ping...
  20. RealStrike

    My Skript has error and I'm new on Skript

    oh ik what you meant ya thats what im asking for can you do it ?