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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. K

    Solved SOLVED Setting health to a variable and vice versa

    oh ok Oh ok, got it. Basically lists are like variables except they can store more than one piece of data. So a normal variable is like money and there is only one value, but a list is for things like players and loot tables. In this scenario you can use lists to store people on teams, so like...
  2. K

    Solved SOLVED Setting health to a variable and vice versa

    you're just better off using lists than whatever the expression "teams" are
  3. K

    How to make items glide and crap

    Basically, I’m planning to add custom animations to my game. Which is gonna be blocks that are able to move like entities (NOT FALLING SAND BLOCKS AN ITEM ENTITY.) The question is how will I be able to do something like that, if you just want to make the script I’m planning for the animation to...
  4. K

    How to make animation with skript?

    Basically, I’m planning to add custom animations to my game. Which is gonna be blocks that are able to move like entities (NOT FALLING SAND BLOCKS AN ITEM ENTITY.) The question is how will I be able to do something like that, if you just want to make the script I’m planning for the animation to...
  5. K

    Lobby with skript.

    Yes, but also no, skript is a really laggy plugin. So you might need some resources for your server. Then it'll work.
  6. K

    AFK Skript not working

    Why is there no event here? Just remove it. And change the other stuff like Servername. Also what error did you get? if %player% is afk: message "[&a&lCreeperNet AFK Detection] &bYou were afk. You were sent to the &elimbo&b." make player execute command "warp limbo"
  7. K

    Please freaking help with list variables and items.

    So basically me wanted to make a zombie survival thing. And I wanted to make it so it gives every item in the queue items, but instead of giving items to the players, it adds it to the variable. I tried EVERYTHING. I spent over half a hour trying to figure out it. I really want to actually like...
  8. K

    DiSky • Manage Discord with Skript!

    Good plugin. But could use better documentation and some of the stuff just doesn’t work like reactions and buttons. I mean the front page says the starting bot execution wrong with no waiting 10 seconds.
  9. K

    Combat Skript

    I forgot that :/ it still should of worked if I added loop all players
  10. K

    Chat Format with parameters.

    THATS NOT WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR. YOU JUST GAVE ME THE SAME CODE I GOT EXCEPT THE BROADCAST WHICH HAS TO BE cancel event send formatted “<tooltip:test>%player%: %message%” to all players And I need set chat format to “<tooltip:test>%player%: %message% So I don’t need cancel event for a plugin I...
  11. K

    Chat Format with parameters.

    So I am trying to make this server and I tried using chat format with parameters but had to use send messages and a cancel event. But then I realized chat messages couldn't go into discord (using essentialsdiscord) because it was canceling the event where it needs to go in. Can someone help me...
  12. K

    Can't understand this condition/effect

    ok first. SkQuery is trash. Second you should be using SkBee for recipes and other stuff. To know how to use their recipes go here
  13. K

    Combat Skript

    on damage: victim is player attacker is player set {combatlog::%victim%} to 10 set {combatlog::%attacker%} to 10 send "&bCombatLog &8| &7You are now in combat log! Do not log out!" to player on join: if {combatlog::%player%} > 0: kill the player every 0.5 seconds...
  14. K

    excute help

    I know what the problem is. You spelled ding dang execute wrong I mean wth. It's ok if your in a different lang but that's just not how you spell it.
  15. K

    Tuske - Script won't work

    TuSKe is too outdated for newer versions of minecraft. For a alternative plugin with some what same of TuSKe (You might have to change some places) is called Skript-GUI
  16. K

    Cooldown For A Right Click Skript

    if {itemnamecooldown::%player's uuid%} is true: send "&cThis item is on cooldown!" to player set {itemnamecooldown::%player's uuid%} to true wait (cooldown) seconds set {itemnamecooldown::%player's uuid%} to false
  17. K

    Sharpness Capper

    Do you have a server that is 1.17+ and want to make a RPG? But then you realized the cap is 255 now? This script will help you with your needs!!!!!!!!!! Dependencies: Skript ItemEdit (You should have this installed if you are making a RPG) How it works It grabs {@damageMultipler} (0.5) and...
  18. K

    Cooldown For A Right Click Skript

    don't use numbers in commands. also PLEASE USE CODE BOXES And also just add variable cooldown and the rest of the code on the rightclick event
  19. K

    Script Sharpness Capper v1.0

    Do you have a server that is 1.17+ and want to make a RPG? But then you realized the cap is 255 now? This script will help you with your needs!!!!!!!!!! Dependencies: Skript ItemEdit (You should have this installed if you are making a RPG) How it works It grabs {@damageMultipler} (0.5) and...
  20. K

    Solved Why is this GUI not working?

    well that is boring. I wish the format was the same as TuSKe making it easier to transfer. But you had to do all of this for a simple GUI? Bad