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  1. cutekitten03

    replace all "3" with "³" in %liteeco_balance% <- or something

    im not getting any errors, but basicly am setting the balance placeholder's numbers from 1-9 to ¹-⁹ (<- custom icon resourcepack), before you ask, yes my rp works.
  2. cutekitten03

    replace all "3" with "³" in %liteeco_balance% <- or something

    basicly i want to replace that number in the placeholder with another Every tick. my code: every tick: replace all "3" with "text" in %liteeco_balance%
  3. cutekitten03

    translate a certain letter only in actionbar to another.

    yee i have already done that. I just need to replace the actionbar letters with those now.
  4. cutekitten03

    translate a certain letter only in actionbar to another.

    thats exactly it. so esentialy the thing i just want to do is to make all letters in only the actionbar to the custom ones, and not all numbers everywhere as i can't seem to find a economy supporting custom characters as numbers for placeholders.
  5. cutekitten03

    translate a certain letter only in actionbar to another.

    hey there, i'm making a server that has a custom balance list directly over the hungerbar, the ascent is a custom glyph and i don't want to do it so that all normal numbers have that asccent. Now if i use any eco it will still not show up with customnumbers, so now i need a way to replace 0-9...