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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. Luke_Sky_Walker

    i need help with luckperms and skript (mostly skript)

    Make sure you can get values of the player kills first (Like, try check the amount and stuff and running statements when it updates). My recommendation is on a death event, run a function that uses the attacker and then set the player's group based on their kill count from that event so it...
  2. Luke_Sky_Walker

    I need help with Mcc meltdown heater skript

    Try using debug statements to print what {heater-placer::*} is (Like the event-block) and what happens when it's removed. It likely isn't being set properly and by adding print statements you should be able to find out why
  3. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Plot Skript

    Ask your friend if there's any Skript addons required for it and if it is only compatible for certain versions (Either of those things being an issue would cause errors and issues with certain lines).
  4. Luke_Sky_Walker

    How to make it so I can activate right click with multiple items?

    A fix would be just checking the name of the item instead of the type and name. Could be wrong, but when you put white dye with name "&6Example"; it might think you only are referring to one.
  5. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Trying to make a mob drop things

    Use an on death event, check that the attacker is a player, cancel drops (if you wanna cancel the normal drops) then drop the item you want at the victims location (Basically the entity killed).
  6. Luke_Sky_Walker

    /nick Skript

    In order to change a player's name tag, you need MundoSk. You can then loop the expression set player nametag to "Example", and that should work.
  7. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Anyone knows how to send a player's head in a welcome chat message?

    According to a thread made earlier this year, implementing this in Vanilla Skript would be challenging and may not be possible unless you're very talented in Skript Reflect. However, here is the API that you could do this with...
  8. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Respawn on bed

    You should find this event a helpful solution to figuring out how to set a player's respawn location to their bed:
  9. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Issue with functions in Skript

    Try putting the broadcast part of your code in the function itself (Outside the loop, the line directly after)
  10. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Skript not working for all players

    It is probably better to use list variables for your code (Ie: {mana::%loop-player's uuid%}). Also, make sure that if statement is passing for all players by debugging it.
  11. Luke_Sky_Walker

    absorption hearts error

    Try set absorption hearts of %player% to 20.
  12. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Tnt Wand Cooldown problems

    You should find this resource pretty helpful:
  13. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Compare player's team.

    Firstly, only use percents around expressions when they are in text. Ie: send "%player%" to player. Also, there is this expression As long as you have an expression like that, you don't need anything extra fancy to compare it. So replace %team of player%...
  14. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Trying to create a command to upgrade the amount of homes a player can have

    The main issue I see is the type of variables you're using. A variable such as {_example} will not be persistent (Local Variable) and the data of that variable will be lost in other sections of your code. Example: command var1 [<number>]: trigger: set {_num} to arg-1 broadcast...
  15. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Solved Change block type for player

    I think this is what you're looking for: Client Sided Blocks
  16. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Detect Player Looking At Player's Eye

    Here's probably how you could do this: Create an invisible small armor stand (Or Display Entity) at the player's head. When the other player looks at that armor stand OR display entity, you would then trigger your code.
  17. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Skript Minecraft 1.20.1 Aim Asssit Detection HELP

    Lo primero que diré sobre esto; No utilice AI para codificar en Skript. Esto se debe a que la AI es terrible en Skript, es mejor tener a alguien con experiencia para hacerlo. También creo que para la detección de hacks utilizando este tipo de lenguaje de código, sería más fácil hacer algunos...
  18. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Solved DISKY- what are valid bot names

    I would look back through your code and find what you defined your bot name as. Also, you could alternatively try using quotes for the bot name as when I utilized my bot name through Disky code, it was always in quotes.
  19. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Mysql internal error

    %time played of playerr%. That's the only thing that really stuck out to me. You have two r's in player instead of one. Changing that could make a difference.
  20. Luke_Sky_Walker

    Adding Fortune to this Skript code

    I did. Just added the links & all plus a tutorial for in case someone new to Skript wanted to try making something like that themselves.