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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Theindo448

    busy on the school activities

    busy on the school activities
  2. Theindo448

    PaintBall has been planned as new project in the future

    PaintBall has been planned as new project in the future
  3. Theindo448

    Script ChatManager 448 [Skript] - 1.3.1: Increased security in "Strict" Mode

    Changelogs: "Strict" mode can detect players when using a command (Usually this system detects the msg command) [This update will make "Strict" mode to more aggressively] ***This additional system will not work "If a system use Type [Censored]"*** ***I recommend using the "Block" type so that...
  4. Theindo448

    I was quite busy because I was studying online

    I was quite busy because I was studying online
  5. Theindo448

    Script ChatManager 448 [Skript] - 1.3.0-[Beta]: Fixed several Hidden bugs *again + New Features

    Changelogs: Added 'Protection Level' Added 'Strict' level (From Protection Level) **Fyi: 'Strict' is a new level of security that will detect messages aggressively Added several Customizable Message (This update is for the prefix of the Log message) Fixed Bug "Command Detection" (cmdspy...
  6. Theindo448

    Script ChatManager 448 [Skript] - Some hidden bugs have been fixed

    Changelogs: Added "Log System" [Beta]. The way the system works is "If someone violates the rules in the chat (e.g. Using prohibited words), then the player's violation evidence will be stored in plugins/Skript/logs/chatmanager448/VL-CM448.log" Added several customizable message Optimized...
  7. Theindo448

    Script ChatManager 448 [Skript] - 1.2.3: System Setup Update

    Changelogs: Added Mentions Added one Customizable Message Redesigned message output on "List" ---[ For Console ]--- Fixed Uncommonly Bug on Setup System [This is a bug that has appeared since 1.0.0 Release] Updated Link Redirect (Only for SkUnity resources) Thank you for downloading my...
  8. Theindo448

    Script ChatManager 448 [Skript] 1.3.1 Release

    Info! This skript was taken from Spigot with the same owner. ChatManager448 [Skript] is a chat system that will manage chats automatically. This system can be set freely. And also this script is perfect for your server who is in need. The features contained in this script have adjusted to...
  9. Theindo448

    Script ChatManager 448 [Skript] - 1.2.2-[Beta]: Patched Bug

    Just fixed Bug on CommandSpy & CommandCooldown (This bug was found when using Skripts 2.4.1) Thank you for downloading my skript :emoji_slight_smile:
  10. Theindo448

    ChatManager 448 [Skript]

    Info This skript was taken from Spigot with the same owner. ChatManager448 [Skript] is a chat system that will manage chats automatically. This system can be set freely. And also this script is perfect for your server who is in need. The features contained in this script have adjusted to...