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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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    Skript Request | 2FA

    3 days someone pls reply
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    Skript Request | 2FA

    Skript Request | 2FA Hello, I want a safe way to make sure my Minecraft server doesn't get hacked if my account does. The way I want it is so that I can use /logout to remove the * permission from my user using luckperms, and if I do /login <code> the code has to be a code from a 2FA app such...
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    Converting Luckperms hex codes to Skript hex codes

    i want to work in luckperms and skript
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    Converting Luckperms hex codes to Skript hex codes

    then it wont work with luckperms prefix
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    Converting Luckperms hex codes to Skript hex codes

    It's been 7 hours no reply :emoji_frowning:
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    Converting Luckperms hex codes to Skript hex codes

    Hi, I'm making a per world chat system for my server but when I tried to do send formatted it only did color codes, not hex. I realised that Skript uses a different way of recognising hex codes so I need a way to convert &# to <## and add > 6 letters after, so I could convert things such as...
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    Skript Actual Dupe Script

    if the player does not have permission, they don't know the command exists, but if they do, they don't know it is there until they try it
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    Skript Technoblade curse script!

    Hello! I have been working on a script where if you punch a pig, you get cursed by Technoblade's spirit and get damaged every minute! on damage: attacker is a player: victim is a pig: cancel event execute command "/playsound entity.lightning_bolt.impact master...
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    Skript Actual Dupe Script

    I have tried it, but I wasn't looking at the numbers. When it goes too high your inventory get restored from a few minutes ago though. NOTE: I made this comment with a stupid mouse
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    Skript Actual Dupe Script

    When you dupe, the items in the same slot go over 64 including tools
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    Skript Actual Dupe Script

    Being bored of those dupe scripts that just give you 1 of the item you are holding? This one doubles the amount of items and you can have over 64 in one slot! This is a ghost command and the permission to use it is dupe.use on command "/dupe": if player has permission "dupe.use"...
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    Solved Cancel Teleportation On Move

    that wasn't what i meant
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    Solved Cancel Teleportation On Move

    Never mind! I made some new code and it worked, it looks like this command /lobby: aliases: /hub trigger: if {hub::%player%} is not true: set {hub::%player%} to true send "&8&l[&c&lEmpy&e&lrean&8&l] &aTeleporting to lobby! Don't move!" execute command "/title %player%...
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    Solved Cancel Teleportation On Move

    When I tried it did cancel it but the timer kept going and I did teleport.
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    Solved Cancel Teleportation On Move

    Hi! I'm trying to make a script on my server so when you do /hub or /lobby it counts down from 3, but if you move the teleportation is canceled. When I try it then it works fine but you still get teleported if you move. My code is: command /lobby: aliases: /hub trigger: if...