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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. oToghty

    Solved Console is not executing command

    Should be working fine, any errors in the console or anything?
  2. oToghty

    Solved Placeholder Help

    Using skript-placeholders: Download: Wiki:
  3. oToghty

    On Death

    Please format your code first
  4. oToghty

    Solved loop-players other than the player running the command

    you can ask here, or better yet, just join a discord server such as skunity where you can get help very quickly
  5. oToghty

    Solved loop-players other than the player running the command

    so what you want is to only get 1 player in radius 5 of the player? if yes, just use first element out of all players in radius 5 of player where [input != player]
  6. oToghty

    Solved loop-players other than the player running the command

    why do you have 2 of the most outdated addons installed, and why are you setting the variable to loop-player then to 1
  7. oToghty

    Solved loop-players other than the player running the command

    the quotes seem to be changed in game, they seem to be fancy quotes, did you change them or is that just how it looks in game? also what your skript-version
  8. oToghty

    Solved loop-players other than the player running the command

    did you change the line? because that's not how mine looks, send a ss
  9. oToghty

    Solved loop-players other than the player running the command

    command /robar: trigger: if "%region at player%" contains "mina": loop all players in radius 5 of player where [input is not player]: add 1 to {_} if "%region at loop-player%" contains "mina": if {_} < 1: send "&cEntraste en el...
  10. oToghty

    Solved loop-players other than the player running the command

    what is if loop-player = 1 supposed to be
  11. oToghty

    Solved loop-players other than the player running the command

    Around you? You mean in a radius? if yes, use loop all players in radius <radiusHere> of player where [input is not player]: and if you don't want the radius, just loop all players where [input is not player]:
  12. oToghty

    Solved make player execute command as op?

    that is the worst option you could have taken, the addon is very outdated and on top of that, running a commad as op does actually give op to the player for a split second, meaning that there's a chance they remain with op
  13. oToghty

    Solved PvP TempDisabler

    command /disablepvp <player> [<timespan=10 seconds>]: permission: pvp.disable trigger: set {pvp::disabled::%arg-1's uuid%} to arg-2 from now send "&aPvP is now disabled for &e%arg-2%!" to arg-1 send "&aDisabled &e%arg-1%'s &aPvP for &e%arg-2%!" to player on...
  14. oToghty

    Solved Storage Box

    on right click on birch wood stair: set {_gui} to a chest inventory with 4 row with name "&6Box" set slots (integers from 0 to 35) of {_gui} to {inventory::%event-block's location%::*} open {_gui} to player on inventory close: if name of event-inventory is "&6Box": loop...
  15. oToghty

    Solved Storage Box

    Ohhh, just save the location of the block inside the variable as well, like so: {Inventory::%location of event-block%::*}
  16. oToghty

    Solved Storage Box

    I don't get what you mean
  17. oToghty

    Solved Variable reseter

    Well, if you are using list variables, it's quite easy. If your variable is called {kills::%player's uuid%}, just use delete {kills::*}
  18. oToghty

    Solved Looping all fox named "Forest Fox" and displaying how many there are

    Mark the post as solved. And you're welcome!
  19. oToghty

    Solved Looping all fox named "Forest Fox" and displaying how many there are

    command /enfox <text>: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is "ext": spawn fox at location of player set display name of last spawned entity to "Forest Fox" else if arg-1 is "list": set {_} to size of (all foxes in radius 200 of player...
  20. oToghty

    How to teleport a nearby player?

    teleport all players in radius x of player to location()