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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Wrong

    Solved Can someone help me in one little thing?

    send player title "&5You get" with subtitle "&a%25*{_amount}%$ Dolars" for 3 seconds
  2. Wrong

    Solved Can someone help me in one little thing?

    add 25*{_amount} to player's balance This?
  3. Wrong

    News The official release of skUnity Docs 2

    Thanks!! Oops, fixed. Languages aren't done tho
  4. Wrong

    News The official release of skUnity Docs 2

    Typo fixed ;) And yes, admin panel is for everyone. There is a permission system, so you can't do the same as an addon Dev for example.
  5. Wrong

    News The official release of skUnity Docs 2

    It's not possible to get the old theme. What I can do is enable a subdomain for the old docs for a while. But know that this subdomain won't last forever.
  6. Wrong

    News Planned downtime for

    We set up a mirrored version of current docs during this downtime. They should work fine (search included):
  7. Wrong

    Official [ARCHIVED] skUnity News

    ARCHIVED - This thread is no longer maintained and has been locked. This is the official news thread for skUnity. While other posts will announce features or changes to the website, this thread will host every post, along with its link.
  8. Wrong

    Skript Functions
