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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. Maki

    I need someone who can fix my skript. I'm not experienced enough.

    Tnx, the only issue is that players drop chest and loot when the logoff in combat
  2. Maki

    Coding for people

    If u know how to fix this one lmk -
  3. Maki

    I need someone who can fix my skript. I'm not experienced enough.

    So when you kill a player it drops a chest item that you can right-click to claim loot. This works but it is buggy, for example, if I kill a player twice it will stop working. On left-click it should open a preview GUI, have no idea how to do this at all
  4. Maki

    I need someone who can fix my skript. I'm not experienced enough.

    on death: if victim is in region "elytra-pvp": set {-drops::%victim's uuid%::*} to drops drop 1 of chest named "&d%victim%'s &eDeath Package" with lore "&8[&7Right-Click&8] &7to claim!" clear drops on right click: name of event-item contains "Death Package"...